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Pork sausages

Pork sausages...

Going to a picnic or barbecue, we are used to almost always taking with us pre-pickled meat along with a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, sometimes it happens that the event is not planned, so you have to gather quickly, and there is simply no time to soak meat. That's when meat semi-finished products help us out.

The specks are especially popular, which in charcoal-toasted form are distinguished by their extraordinary taste, wonderful aroma and delicate texture. Hairdrops are a type of pork sardelets, however, they differ from the latter not only in the inner part, but also in the composition.

So, in addition to crushed minced meat, the speck contains pork speck cut into small pieces. It is this product that, during the heat treatment process, melts, gives the finished dish a characteristic juiciness and tenderness. In addition, it is precisely due to the content of speck that the calorie content of the studs is slightly higher than the nutritional value of the same pork sardels.

In order for the finished dish to please you with its excellent taste, you need to take full responsibility for the choice of hairpins. The quality meat product is distinguished by a clean dry surface without the slightest damage. If the shell of the studs is wrinkled, then you have a stale product that can not only upset the taste, but also cause significant harm to the body.

The inside of the studs on the cut, that is, minced meat, should have a uniform color. In addition, the crushed meat should be evenly mixed, and the size of the speck, which differs in white with a pinkish tint, ideally should not exceed four millimeters.

According to GOST, in the industrial production of specks, the product includes pork, beef, speck, various spices (most often salt, sugar and ground black pepper), as well as a stabilizer and color fixer. The presence of carrageenan, flour, starch and components with the index E in this product is considered unacceptable. Specks sold for weighing can be stored for no more than three days, while in vacuum packaging they remain fresh until a crescent moon.

In cooking, hairpins are used not only as a hearty dish on their own, but also act as one of the components in the preparation of various meals. Often, these sliced sausages are added to salads, prepare nutritious sandwiches, hearty prefabricated soups and salted salads with them. However, in view of the increased calorie content of the studs, which is about 337 kcal per 100 grams, too often it is not recommended to get carried away with this type of meat products.

studs 337 kCal

Energy value of hairpins (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 10 g (~ 40 kCal)
Fats: 33g (~ 297kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 12% | 88% | 0%