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Lamb saddle

Lamb saddle...

Unlike adult animals, dairy lambs in their lives tried only milk - that is why their meat is distinguished by a light pink color, delicate taste and subtle aroma. All these features make lamb extremely attractive to consumers. As a rule, dairy lambs are sold either entirely unspoiled or cut into 4 parts. It is possible to purchase this valuable food product only at the end of the winter period or in the spring.

Along with such parts of the carcass of a young animal as pure meat, kare (ribs) and leg, the so-called lamb saddle is also highly valued. This part is mostly cut into chops, which are great for grilling or frying. Taking the whole lamb saddle, you can cook a roast of excellent taste in the oven.

Probably, many do not know that by the saddle of a lamb it is customary to understand that part of the carcass of a young animal that is located in the back of the loin, in turn consisting of the most delicate meat of a young lamb - fillet, as well as a loop or an absolutely lean, but also tender piece. Being connected by the spine, this part can be chopped across, while the resulting pieces are called chops "butterfly" or otherwise "double fillet. "

In addition, the whole part is a magnificent piece, which is known as a "short" saddle. The non-severed posterior part of the loin and the renal part form the so-called "long" lamb saddle.

The juicy lamb saddle is used to make excellent chops, which are then served ready under a sweet and sour sauce. In addition, this part of the animal's carcass perfectly harmonizes with various vegetables: for example, asparagus, eggplant or tomatoes. Due to the fact that dairy lamb meat is characterized by increased tenderness, it is recommended to use milk, yogurt or cream with the addition of salt and spices as a marinade for such meat.

In addition, quite interesting taste sensations can be achieved by baking a lamb saddle with garlic, rosemary and lemon. Original in taste and appearance, you get a dish from a lamb saddle under a coffee sauce: a slightly sweet taste of meat is subtly emphasized due to coffee mustard. A truly exotic culinary masterpiece can be called a fried lamb saddle, and then indulged in coconut milk.

In addition to excellent taste, the lamb saddle is also inherent in the human body, which is due to the presence of many vital substances in this meat. For example, in terms of the percentage of protein, lamb is equal to beef, while cholesterol in it is much less than in the same pork.

lamb saddles 191.7 kCal

The energy value of the lamb saddle (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.2 (~ 65 kCal)
Fats: 14.1 (~ 127 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 34% | 66% | 0%