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Despite the fact that venison is quite tough and requires special cooking methods, this meat belongs to delicacies and is in great demand among foodies. Reindeer meat is mainly used for food, and the meat of a young animal under the age of one year is considered the most delicious, since it is then that the most useful substances are present in the reindeer's body.

The beneficial properties of venison are fully revealed in such parts of the carcass as loin and tenderloin, in connection with which, many nutritious and tasty dishes can be prepared from them. For example, venison is stewed in pots with vegetables or cooked as an independent dish, baked in the oven. However, do not forget that it is recommended to soak venison in marinade beforehand to soften the meat. So, for example, venison can be marinated in a sauce of various forest berries - the meat is very juicy, and the taste of the finished dish is unusually tender.

In addition, venison is remarkably combined with many spices and spices (thyme, bay leaf, red and black pepper), as well as forest berries and herbs. Alternatively, deer meat can be grilled using sweet and sour sauce as a seasoning. But it is not worth baking it for a long time, so that all the useful properties of venison do not disappear, it is better to serve it with blood.

Benefits of venison

The main food of deer, which they consume in large quantities, is jagel, which has antibiotic properties. Hence the high value of deer meat. The benefits of venison are obvious, due to the fact that it is characterized by a high content of proteins, minerals, vitamins and low fat. By the way, it is also consumed raw without fear of contracting parasites.

Deer meat is known to be much better absorbed by the human body than beef, lamb, pork and chicken. In favor of venison is the fact that when eating this meat, the risk of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease is reduced.

The unique combination of beneficial substances in venison does not allow fat to accumulate in our body. It has been proven that with a low calorie content of venison, polar deer meat contains

6. 7% more proteins than beef meat, and there are quite few fats in it. In addition, reindeer are bred in environmentally friendly areas, eating exclusively lichen and moss, so they produce lenolium acids in the body, which can protect humans from carcinogens. Reindeer meat has been tested to be a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly product.

venison 155 kCal

Energy value of venison (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 19.5 g (~ 78 kCal)
Fats: 8.5 g (~ 77 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 50% | 49% | 0%