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Snake meat

Snake meat...

Snakes or Serpentes are a large suborder of Reptiles. These representatives of the Chashuychy order are common on all continents of the planet Earth, with the exception of Antarctica. In addition, snakes live in the waters of the world ocean. The vast majority of people have the impression that almost all snakes are poisonous and can easily take a person's life. On the one hand, this statement is completely true.

However, it is worth noting that even poisonous snakes use their highly toxic poison only to get food or in self-defense. Most species of snakes have rather modest parameters, but some reptile individuals reach record sizes. For example, the average length of pythons that live in inaccessible tropical thickets starts from 2 meters. Impressive size, isn't it?

Snake meat began to be used in cooking by the ancient tribes of natives and natives who inhabited Asian territories thousands of years ago. Interestingly, in Europe, snake meat has also been known since the Middle Ages. A "viper diet" once existed in France. Women used viper meat to maintain beauty and youth. For Asians, snake meat is as common and even everyday a food item as pork, beef or chicken for the inhabitants of our latitudes.

In the wake of Asian countries, snake meat began to be actively consumed in the United States. Such American interest in the new food is due to the spread of many food species of snakes in the state. For example, rattlesnake meat can now be easily purchased in any major American supermarket. And in the state of Texas, instead of the usual barbecue at the weekend, the whole family prepares snake meat. It is noteworthy that snake meat for modern cooking was discovered by the people of China.

It is in the Celestial Empire that for a single century the meat of many snakes is not only a nutritious, but also a healing food. Domestic foodies and culinary experts are quite skeptical about snake meat, apparently because they do not know how to cook it. After going through all the stages of cooking, the meat of even the most dangerous and poisonous snake turns into a real delicacy and masterpiece of world cooking. The Chinese national dish, which is made from snake meat, brought world fame to the product.

The soup, poetically titled "The Dragon's Battle with the Tiger, " is considered the most desirable dish for foodies and lovers of new culinary experiments. Nowadays, snake meat is already sold in a purified and ready-to-eat form. However, it is believed that only fresh snake meat and mammalian blood can become a useful and healing product. In the process of freezing, snake meat loses some of its beneficial properties.

The chemical composition of snake meat contains a large amount of natural proteins that saturate and are fully absorbed by the human body. In Asia, snake meat is called the "elixir of youth and longevity. " Scientific research has confirmed the tonic and general strengthening properties of snake meat.

snake meat 93 kKal

The energy value of snake meat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.4 (~ 66 kCal)
Fats: 0.3 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 71% | 3% | 0%