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Duck meat

Duck meat...

Few can boast that they are familiar with duck meat, although this is a rather tasty and satisfying product, and there are quite a few options for preparing a variety of dishes from this bird. It can be fried, boiled or baked either whole or cut into pieces. However, no matter how you cook duck meat, the main thing is that it does not lose its tenderness and juiciness. To do this, during cooking, you should periodically water the carcass with fat flowing out of it, as well as ensure that the cooking time does not exceed the prescribed one. Otherwise, the finished dish will be dry and tough.

From the first dishes based on this product, amazing soups are obtained - borscht, pickles, cabbage soup and pickles. In addition, due to the high fat content and considerable calorie content of the duck, it is recommended to cook it with vegetables or fruits. So, sour products, for example, antonovka apples or sauerkraut, are great for it. At Christmas, some countries, in particular in Denmark, are sure to serve duck cooked with apples.

A very popular dish in the camps of Europe is "Peking Duck, " which is prepared in a wood-fired oven. Despite the fact that the process takes a lot of time, the result is worth the effort: duck meat has an extraordinary tenderness, and the crust is appetisingly crisp.

In addition, large and fatty individuals are often stuffed. All kinds of cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, mushrooms, eggs or pasta are great as a filling. Moreover, these products can not only be used separately, but also in various combinations, for example, pasta with prunes, cabbage with apples, potatoes with apples and prunes.

Duck composition

Broiler varieties of this waterfowl are considered the most useful and nutritious. Thus, the duck contains a large amount of minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron and copper. In addition, we can say that her meat is quite balanced and nutritious.

Among other things, there are vital vitamins in the composition of the duck, among which folic acid, riboflavin, B and A vitamins are distinguished. They carry a lot of useful properties and are simply indispensable for human health.

The benefits of duck

The benefits of duck also depend on the amount of fat that large individuals of this bird are rich in. One of its healing qualities is the ability to effectively cleanse the body of carcinogenic substances. And in this fat there are special enzymes that contribute to the regulation of metabolism. In addition, the benefits of duck when eaten regularly within reasonable limits can affect the improvement of facial color and anti-atherogenic effect on the body.

The Harm of the Duck

For a healthy person, the harm of a duck is unlikely to manifest itself in any way on the state of health, and in the presence of some diseases, the meat of this waterfowl is strictly prohibited. Such ailments include diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas.

duck meat 405 kCal

Energy value of duck meat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15.8 (~ 63 kCal)
Fats: 38 g (~ 342 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 16% | 84% | 0%