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Pheasant meat

Pheasant meat...

A pheasant is called a bird that belongs to the order of chicken-like. In adulthood, the body length of an individual can reach 80 centimeters with a weight of up to two kilograms. It is noteworthy that male pheasant are much larger than females, while they are distinguished by bright plumage with a copper overflow, and females have a pale sand color. Wild pheasant individuals are found in China, Central Asia, Eastern Japan, but can be found in some parts of North America and Europe. Swarms of wild pheasants, as a rule, live in forests, mainly in shrubs.

It is worth noting that at present in many countries of the world a ban has been introduced on pheasant hunting, which is due to the strong damage caused by poachers to the population of this bird. Pheasant populations are controlled and restored on specially created farms. For these reasons, pheasant meat has acquired delicacy status and is highly valued. When purchased, the pheasant carcass is subjected to cutting and processing, similar to other wild birds.

Pheasant meat has a rather dark color and a relatively low fat content. At the same time, it is so juicy that it does not need preliminary spying or pickling. Pheasant meat (fillet) is usually cooked in its own juice in a deep tray. The meat can be extinguished, stuffed with vegetables, stuffed with herbs, eggs, mushrooms, chestnut nuts, onions and baked in this form.

Pheasant meat dishes are often offered in expensive restaurants: be it pheasant breasts, roasts or pieces of fillet in sauce. By the way, crispy slices of pheasant roast meat are considered an excellent and noble snack for exquisite wines.

Pheasant meat is a dish of a solemn feast in Georgian, European, Asian cuisine. In the Middle East, pheasant meat is used in the preparation of pilaf. In the kitchens of Western Europe, there are also quite interesting dishes based on this bird: pheasant meat with legs, wings and breasts is boiled for broth, and an omelet is placed on the table before serving.

In addition, pheasant meat, removed from the wings and legs, is remarkably suitable for making pates. It also gives a new unusual taste to familiar salads where poultry meat is used. And hunters are happy to fry the plucked and gutted bird on a spit whole.

Pheasant benefit

B vitamins are an integral element due to which the benefits of pheasant, in particular its meat, are known. In addition, the content of fats and proteins is almost perfectly balanced in this product, while almost no such harmful cholesterol is currently contained.

The benefits of pheasant for the human body are also due to the presence in this meat product of such valuable mineral salts as phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium, fluorine and others. That is why regular consumption of this type of feathered game has a beneficial effect not only on certain human organs, but also on the state of health in general.

pheasant meat 253.9 kCal

Energy value of pheasant meat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18 g (~ 72 kCal)
Fats: 20 g (~ 180 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 71% | 1%