Pickled liver

From a biological point of view, the liver is understood as the vital internal organ of all vertebrate animals, which is located in the abdominal cavity directly under the diaphragm. The liver performs a number of physiological functions, without which the process of vital activity of animals, as well as fish, is impossible.
In the food industry, liver refers to a food product that is an internal organ of animals or fish that is suitable for consumption. For culinary purposes, the liver of pets is used, as well as birds and some species of sea fish. It should be especially emphasized that the liver, although it belongs to meat offal, has unique beneficial properties, and is also distinguished by excellent taste and nutritional abilities.
For this reason, culinary masters have always respected a product such as the liver. In turn, doctors and nutritionists advise eating the liver as often as possible, since the product contains a colossal amount of certainly useful, and in addition, natural compounds indispensable for the human body.
People have known about the beneficial properties of the liver since the time of the Ancient World. Ancient doctors have actively used the liver as a medicine in the fight against some types of diseases. The chemical composition of the liver contains a large amount of easily digestible protein of natural origin.
In addition, the composition of the liver is enriched with magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, calcium, as well as vitamins of groups A, B and C. Regular consumption of the liver is recommended for people of all ages. However, the liver will be most beneficial to pregnant women, as well as people with diabetes or atherosclerosis. Many different dishes can be prepared from the liver.
To achieve the best result, professional culinary experts advise the use of pickled liver when preparing culinary products. Pickled liver dishes will be distinguished by their delicate taste and incredibly soft consistency. The pre-marinated liver can be fried or extinguished, as well as baked over an open fire as a kebab.
In addition, pickled livers can become a snack of their own or an ingredient in salads. In order to make an appetizer from pickled liver, you first need to boil the product, and then cool and cut into straws. Onions are cut into thin rings and placed into enameled utensils.
The liver is laid over the onion, and then poured with marinade made from vinegar, boiled water and salt. Pickled liver is infused during the day in the refrigerator, and then the marinade is drained. Pickled liver, seasoned with vegetable oil, is served to the table.
You can marinate fresh liver in a marinade of natural yogurt, vegetable oil, as well as lemon juice and a mixture of spices, as well as spices. The liver aged in such a marinade can be fried or baked.
pickled liver 128.01 kCal
Energy value of pickled liver (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 14.99 g (~ 60 kCal)
Fats: 4.66 g (~ 42 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.78 g (~ 15 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 47% | 33% | 12%