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Chicken roll

Chicken roll...

In modern times, domestic chicken or "Gallus gallus" is considered the most common species of poultry currently grown throughout planet Earth. Not only chicken meat is eaten, but also poultry eggs. Researchers call domestic chicken one of the most productive bird species. It is believed that wild chickens were first domesticated about 8, 000 years ago.

Chicken meat has found widespread use and distribution in the global culinary tradition. Recipes for cooking chicken meat can probably be listed for hours. It is noteworthy that chicken meat can be used to make both simple and everyday dishes and real masterpieces of culinary art. It is worth noting that chicken meat boasts not only taste characteristics, but also vitamin-mineral composition.

Chicken roll composition

Chicken meat is attributed to dietary foods for a reason, the whole point is that the calorie level of the product. Perhaps one of the popular chicken meat products can be considered chicken roll. The name of such a popular meat product as roll comes from the French language, translated from which the word roule means wrap. The name of the chicken roll speaks of the method of preparing a meat product.

The composition of the chicken roll may include various ingredients, the choice of which depends only on the taste preferences of the cook. The composition of the chicken roll is based on chicken meat, or rather poultry fillet. Sometimes chicken roll is made from minced chicken. Chicken roll can be filled with cheese, ham, as well as vegetables, mushrooms, eggs and herbs.

The calorie content of chicken roll depends on the composition of the ingredients that are used in the recipe of the meat product. However, in any case, the calorie content of chicken roll will be much lower than the indicators of a culinary product made for example from pork. The average calorie content of chicken roll is about 110 Kcal per 100 grams of meat product.

Types of chicken roll

As a rule, two main types of chicken roll are distinguished depending on the recipe of the dish: chicken roll made from chopped meat or minced chicken; chicken roll made of poultry fillet. Different approaches are used to prepare this or that type of chicken roll.

For example, for the manufacture of minced chicken roll, a special cooking film or paper is used for convenience, on which all the ingredients are placed and neatly folded into a finished meat product. Often, chicken roll is smoked to improve the taste characteristics of the meat product. Chicken roll is served as a chilled snack or as a main hot dish with a side of vegetables or rice.

110 kCal chicken roll

Energy value of chicken roll (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.64 g (~ 67 kCal)
Fats: 2.73 g (~ 25 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.66 g (~ 19 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 61% | 22% | 17%