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Chicken fillet

Chicken fillet...

Meat is considered one of the main foods for humans, because it helps to restore muscle tissue and gives us strength. However, it is difficult to ignore the fact that meat is a fatty and high-calorie product, so the optimal solution to this issue can be called the inclusion in the diet of such a type of meat as chicken fillet. The calorie content of chicken fillet is relatively small, and in general, this meat is considered not only dietary, but also very nutritious. The fact is that chicken fillet includes a little fat with a significant amount of protein.

Chicken fillet should feature an even pale pink color, a dry surface and a fresh smell. It is best to choose chilled chicken fillet, but when purchasing, you should always pay attention to the label - it can be stored for no more than 5 days.

Composition of chicken fillet

Chicken fillet for many is the most valuable part of the bird carcass. By the way, the composition of chicken fillet is replete with animal protein, the main part of which is occupied by amino acids, without which the human body will not be able to function normally.

In addition to easily digestible protein, chicken fillet contains a lot of phosphorus (an element that seafood can boast of) and other useful substances: vitamins H, group B, PP, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, chromium, cobalt (by the way, the last element in 100 grams of this meat is present about 120 percent of a person's daily need). The calorie content of chicken fillet is about 163 kcal per 100 grams.

Benefits of chicken fillet

Of all the qualities that are inherent in this product, low calorie content is far from the only one. For example, the broth that is prepared from chicken fillet and vegetables is not only unusually tasty, but very useful. The benefits of chicken fillet in this case are relevant for people with gastrointestinal problems, for patients with influenza and SARS. Chicken contains magnesium, which helps to fight fatigue, strengthen memory and positively affect the general condition.

The presence of B vitamins confirms the benefits of chicken fillet - their regular intake in this product contributes to skin health, normalization of metabolic processes, stabilization of the nervous system. However, it should not be forgotten that all these beneficial properties carry stew or boiled meat, while fried chicken fillet, as a rule, does not bring much benefit.

chicken fillet 163 kCal

Energy value of chicken fillet (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 14.73 g (~ 59 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 36% | 11% | 1%