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Chicken liver

Chicken liver...

Chicken liver is a frequent ingredient in national dishes of the peoples of the world. We think that many people are familiar with the delicious and at the same time easy to prepare dish "Chicken Liver in Strogan. " Only 20 minutes of your time, and a simple set of ingredients and a healthy and tasty dish is ready.

In some countries, chicken livers are considered as delicatessen as ostrich meat, for example. Chicken liver is used even in official medicine, Korean doctors have long recognized the benefits of chicken liver and treat their patients from overwork and chronic fatigue syndromes with chicken liver dishes.

Benefits of chicken liver

The calorie content of chicken liver is low, so this product is considered dietary (contains as much protein as in chicken breast). Chicken liver contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements. The liver of chicken is enriched with vitamin V9 and contains substances as important for the development and maintenance of the human immune and circulatory system as folic acids.

Often, doctors advise pregnant women to use chicken liver, the vitamins of group A contained in the product help improve vision and maintain the youth of the skin. Nutritionists claim that low calorie content of chicken liver will help in the normalization of metabolism and refers to healthy foods. The benefits of chicken liver for the body, health and figure are collosal.

Harm to chicken liver

Remember to pay increased attention to the appearance and quality of the liver. Fresh chicken liver always has a dark brown color and a glossy, smooth surface, on which there are no obvious and large blood vessels, as well as blood clots. These are mandatory signs for the appearance of the liver, by which you can distinguish a good product from stale and not usable.

Any liver tastes a little mustard. The key word here is a little. If you did not violate the recipe of the dish when cooking, but eventually received a product that turned out to be clearly bitter in taste, then the acquired liver lay on the store counter for a very long time. Do not eat such a dish, at best, you will get a slight indigestion, and at worst food poisoning.

Do not buy chicken liver, which has orange or brown color, this is a frostbitten liver. There will be no harm from deep freezing of the chicken liver to the body, but now there are no useful substances left in the product. Loose, poorly cleaned, with fatty tissues, chicken liver is also not worth your attention. Any product benefits only when it is fresh and properly cooked.

The harm of the chicken liver is that the composition contains a large amount of cholesterol. This substance also benefits the body, if consumed in reasonable quantities and causes harm, if you do not know the measures. Therefore, if you want to get a tasty and healthy dish from chicken liver as a result - fry the product on the grill or cook.

chicken liver 137.6 kCal

Energy value of chicken liver (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 20.4 g (~ 82 kCal)
Fats: 5.9 g (~ 53 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.73 g (~ 3 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 59% | 39% | 2%