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Chicken goose

Chicken goose...

And yet, undoubtedly, chicken can be called just a wonderful bird. From the point of view of gastronomy, this is a very valuable and versatile meat product, since it can not only be prepared in its whole form, but also taken apart and made on their basis a lot of delicious dishes. Chicken is not only fried or baked, boiled or stewed, but also smoked, dried and even dried. Truly, the benefits and benefits in one bird carcass.

Returning to certain parts of the chicken, I would like to pay attention to a rather interesting element of its carcass - chicken guza, which is often called a ass or even a tail. In fact, the specificity of this product lies not only in its localization, that is, the location of the bird, but also in a rather specific and peculiar taste.

Nevertheless, according to connoisseurs, connoisseurs and ardent fans of this part of the bird, chicken guza is the most delicious thing that can be in chicken. Whether it is so or not, it is up to everyone to decide separately, but in order to form their own opinion, you need to try chicken guza, and first of all, cook it.

The first thing you need when making chicken guzzles is, do not be surprised, tweezers. The fact is that, even despite very modern technologies in the food industry, the quality of processing meat products can suffer, so you often need to independently free the chicken hood from the remains of feathers.

Clean, dried chicken guzes look very attractive and appetizing, but there is another nuance - at the top of this element of the chicken carcass there is a special fat lubricant that birds apply to feathers using their beaks. This substance is unlikely to taste to anyone, so before cooking chicken guzzles, this tubercle must be carefully cut off.

Of the cooking methods, almost all known ones are suitable for chicken guzzles, but most often this product is fried or stewed, having previously left it in the marinade for a while. For this purpose one mixes wine vinegar, crushed fresh tomatoes, chopped onions, red pepper, salt, ground cilantro and zira.

Bulk and hearty soup can also be made based on chicken guza, since the calorie content of this meat product is quite high due to the considerable amount of fat in its composition. In addition, chicken guza fried in deep fritted batter is very tasty. And for foam drinkers, the modern food industry produces smoked chicken guzzles packaged in a vacuum.

chicken goose 276 kCal

Energy value of chicken buzz (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 19.5 g (~ 78 kCal)
Fats: 22 g. (~ 198 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 72% | 0%