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Goat's meat

Goat's meat...

Goat breeding was still engaged in distant times, but today this branch of agriculture is quite popular all over the world. It is worth noting that the main advantages of these animals include not only unpretentiousness in care and nutrition, but also the fact that they give a person milk, meat, skin and wool.

Valuable goat meat or otherwise goat meat has been widely used in cooking in many countries for centuries. Goat meat is characterized by a lighter hue compared to sheep and sheep meat. White fat, which accumulates mainly in the animal's abdomen, is deposited under the skin in insignificant quantities. The calorie content of goat meat is 216 kcal per hundred grams of fresh meat.

In addition, the nutritional qualities and taste properties of the goat also do not lag behind the valuable lamb. The most delicious is the meat of dairy goats, which has not yet reached the age of six weeks, since it is devoid of a specific smell and, moreover, such a goat is very tender and juicy. Fattened uterus meat, in turn, has similar properties.

By the way, there is an erroneous opinion that it is practically impossible to get rid of the specific smell of goat. In fact, this unpleasant smell does not come from meat at all, but from natural animal secretions - urine and sweat. That is why, in order to avoid its spread to meat, the skin from the killed goat should be removed extremely carefully, and after this procedure you cannot touch the meat with your hands.

Goat received from elderly individuals is recommended to marinate before cooking. So, cut into pieces meat is put in enameled dishes, poured with white or red young wine, and then left for a day. By the way, you can add some spices and garlic to the wine. Based on such goats, rather tasty and juicy chops are obtained.

Stew goat perfectly harmonizes with side dishes made with potatoes or other vegetable crops. You can serve rice or legumes as a side dish. Lovers of exotic dishes will undoubtedly taste like a goat braised in coconut milk. And to give a spicy note to the finished dish, you can add aromatic herbs and spices to taste - basil, tarragon, dill, cucumber grass, incisor onion or parsley.

The benefits of goat meat

The benefits of goat meat, as well as beef with lamb, are due to the content of a significant amount of important fatty acids. In addition, essential amino acids are present in goat meat along with vitamins A, E, groups B, H, PP.

One cannot but say about the benefits of goat meat, which consists in the presence of a small amount of cholesterol (when compared with pork or beef). The advantages of this meat include the fact that it is completely unaffected by parasites.

goats 216 kCal

Energy value of caprine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18 g (~ 72 kCal)
Fats: 16g (~ 144 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 33% | 67% | 0%