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Turkey breast

Turkey breast...

Turkey is an integral attribute of the Christmas table in many countries around the world. However, cooking this rather large bird entirely is not always economically justified - for example, in the event that few guests are expected. Then it is much more expedient to bake parts of the bird - for example, turkey breast.

Turkey breast, which is often called white meat, is distinguished by a lighter color and a slightly dry texture of meat after cooking, when compared with other parts of the carcass, which is characterized by a more intense color and juiciness. Nevertheless, it is the turkey breast that is considered the most useful - it is very often used in medical and dietary nutrition. By the way, turkey breast accounts for up to 30 percent of the total mass of poultry parts that are used for food. The calorie content of the turkey breast is small - approximately 157 kcal per 100 grams of fresh meat product.

In addition to traditional baking in the oven, turkey breasts are often fried, stewed, boiled, steamed or grated, smoked or chosen another method of heat treatment at their discretion. A variety of canned food can be made from turkey breast (partially with the addition of cereals or vegetables), sausages, pates, sausages and similar meat products. Very tasty and juicy are turkey breast cutlets.

Turkey breast is superbly combined with vegetable crops, while its tender taste remarkably shades the liver and mushrooms. The breast of this bird can serve as the basis for the fillings of ravioli, dumplings, pies and pies. In England, for example, turkey breast, like the whole bird itself, is usually stuffed with chestnuts, juniper berries, mushrooms or red currant (gooseberry) jelly. French chefs fill turkey breast with rosemary, truffles, mushrooms and then serve in combination with white wine-based cream sauce. Italians, in turn, cook this meat with oranges.

The low calorie content of the turkey breast and the small amount of fat in its composition, compared to other animal products, as well as excellent taste qualities allow it to be widely used in various types of nutrition. Turkey breast, as you know, is hypoallergenic, so it is great for a children's diet, additionally contributing to improving cardiovascular activity and strengthening immunity. By the way, thanks to its easy digestibility, turkey breast can become one of the meat products that are used as the first feeding for a baby.

Using turkey breast is advised to elderly people, women waiting for a baby and breastfeeding mothers. In addition, it is a suitable product for people who are engaged in hard physical work, with severe chronic infections, during acute diseases, tuberculosis.

turkey breasts 157 kCal

Energy value of turkey breast (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 21.89 g (~ 88 kCal)
Fats: 7.02g (~ 63kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 56% | 40% | 0%