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Beef steak

Beef steak...

Beef steak is considered a product of elite animal husbandry, therefore, in order to get a quality dish, you need to choose exclusively the meat of young (from a year to
1. 5 years) gobies of certain breeds. By the way, Angus and Gereford meat breeds are recognized as the best, and Certified Angus Beef pure meat is considered the most valuable.

Pieces for beef steak are cut from those parts of beef carcass that have not been involved in muscle movement. The meat is separated by thick (at least three, but not more than five centimeters) slices, and in the transverse direction. Thanks to this method of cutting, the heat subsequently passes evenly through the "pores" of the fibers, while quickly warming the meat to the desired temperature.

It is noteworthy that beef steak is never made on the basis of steamed meat - beef must necessarily go through a ripening process that lasts at least twenty days. Such a period of time is needed in order for muscle tissue to acquire great looseness and tenderness as a result of fermentation.

At first glance, beef steak is a fairly simple dish, which is a piece of meat toasted on both sides. However, not all culinary experts are able to prepare this dish correctly. The process of working with beef steak hides many subtleties that begin with the right choice and preparation of meat and end with the technology of roasting it. That is why real beef steak can be prepared exclusively by professionals who are armed with experience, knowledge and special equipment.

Interestingly, to preserve the natural texture of meat, they even developed a special technology for frying on fire, according to which beef steak is first subjected to heat treatment. This happens on a hot frying surface, the temperature of which is about 250 ° C, due to which the meat is sealed in almost 20 seconds. Beef steak forms a hard crust that prevents meat juice from leaking out.

After that, the beef steak is transferred to the surface with a temperature of about 180C - this helps to bring the meat to the degree of readiness that the cook wants. And even after cooking, beef steak is not yet ready to eat - it must have a little rest so that the juice is evenly distributed over the piece of meat.

By the way, the ideal equipment for cooking beef steak is considered to be a charcoal oven or oven, which differ in that the heat that comes from all sides creates pressure inside a piece of meat. Moreover, in order for the beef steak to be tasty and meet the wishes of the guest, you need to observe the desired degree of its roasting, which corresponds to a certain temperature regime. It is noteworthy that the difference between modes is no more than three to four degrees, but an experienced cook can accurately determine it by eye.

beef steak 220 kCal

Energy value of beef steak (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 19.19 (~ 77 kCal)
Fats: 15.32 (~ 138 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 35% | 63% | 0%