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Chicken shin

Chicken shin...

Chicken meat rightfully occupies a special place in the global culinary tradition. Thanks to their distinctive taste qualities, as well as vitamin and mineral composition, doctors and nutritionists recommend using chicken meat not only in the dietary and therapeutic and preventive menu, but also in the daily diet.

People began to eat chicken meat around 3200 BC, when wild Bankiv chickens were domesticated. Until now, chicken meat has not lost its culinary relevance and is in constant demand among consumers in all corners of the planet Earth. In the vast majority of cases, you will easily find several dozen chicken dishes in the national culinary tradition of world states.

It is worth noting that over the millennia of using chicken meat for culinary purposes, just a colossal number of recipes for preparing all kinds of culinary products have accumulated with the use of both poultry as a whole and its components, i. e. wings, fillet, chicken drumsticks, as well as hips and dorsal part. Chicken meat is baked, fried in a pan in breaded, battered, and also cooked over steam or open heat.

Smoked chicken is especially popular. Poultry meat is used to make first and main courses, in addition, chicken is a popular ingredient in the preparation of salads and snacks. Often chicken meat acts as a filling in the process of making homemade baked goods. Poultry fillet is used to make delicate and dietary mince, which is also actively used in cooking.

In our impetuous age, the so-called "chicken spare parts, " i. e. wings, as well as shins of birds, are especially popular among modern hostesses. On the shelves of domestic grocery stores, you can find frozen or chilled sets of chicken shins or wings, which are packed for convenience in special trays. In accordance with scientific terminology, the shin is understood as the limb of terrestrial vertebrates, as well as arthropods.

Composition of chicken shin

The chicken shin is nothing more than the lower part of the bird's leg without a hip. Chicken shins are characterized by relative ease of preparation, as well as accessibility to the general population. Special attention should be paid to the chemical composition of the chicken shin, as well as the calorie content of the product. Like poultry meat in general, the calorie level of the chicken shin is at a fairly low level.

The average calorie content of the chicken shin is 200. 3 Kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of the product. The composition of the chicken shin contains a significant amount of animal protein, which in turn is enriched with amino acids indispensable for the human body. In addition, the composition of chicken drumsticks contains a significant amount of fat, which accumulates under the skin of the bird.

Benefits of chicken shin

The benefits of chicken drumsticks lie primarily in the chemical composition of the product. However, it is worth noting that chicken shins will benefit the human body only if the product is consumed in reasonable quantities. In addition, the way chicken shins are prepared is of particular importance. Experts do not recommend giving your preference and often consume smoked chicken shins.

Damage to the shin of chicken

As a result of recent studies, it became known that chicken can cause damage to shins in smoked, as well as in the form fried with oil. When smoking, the chemical composition of all products, including chicken drumsticks, undergoes significant changes that can negatively affect human health and normal well-being. As it became known, smoked foods contain carcinogenic compounds that cause irreparable damage to the body.

In addition, the vast majority of smoked food manufacturers use a substance called "Liquid Smoke" in the smoking process, which contains food additives in its chemical composition, as well as heavy compounds. Damage to the drumsticks of chicken for the body can be minimized if you bake the bird in the oven, over an open fire, and also use a steamer or aerogril to prepare the product.

chicken shins 200.3 kCal

Energy value of chicken shin (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.8 g (~ 75 kCal)
Fats: 13.9 (~ 125 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 38% | 62% | 0%