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Turkey fillet

Turkey fillet...

What meat poultry dishes are most often seen on the dinner table? Absolutely, chicken-based dishes. Meanwhile, in the world of meat meals, a completely worthy competitor to all well-known poultry stands out - turkey fillet.

Turkey fillet meat is not only distinguished by an unusually attractive taste, but also a huge health benefit - it is truly a treasure trove of animal proteins, amino acids, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Regular consumption of dishes prepared on the basis of turkey fillet helps to prevent the occurrence of anemia, normalize the work of the heart, as well as stimulate brain activity. Turkey fillet is an excellent product, which is recommended to include even in the diet of babies and especially sensitive people with allergic reactions.

In addition, turkey fillet can easily open up to culinary lovers just a limitless field for experimentation. The fact is that the neutral taste of turkey fillet allows you to perfectly combine this meat with a huge number of all kinds of ingredients - porridge and vegetables, pasta and mushrooms, and there is no point in talking about the variety of sauces. Just add a few turkey fillet-based dishes to your diet and your gastronomic life will play with bright new colors.

Turkey fillet, like rabbit meat, is low in calories, it contains relatively little fat (in particular, this applies to the breast), but such meat is less smooth in its structure. The calorie content of turkey fillet is about 201 kcal per 100 grams of fresh product. That is why turkey fillet is classified as a dietary product, the tenderness of this type of meat allows you to use it to feed weakened people, as well as those who lead a busy and active lifestyle.

The simplest way to prepare turkey fillet is considered the following: meat is cut into thin strips, salted and grated, dipped in flour and fried in a hot pan with oil. At the very end of the preparation, a little garlic, sour cream or cream is added. Such a dish is ideal for a traditional lunch or dinner with your family.

For more solemn occasions, turkey fillet can be made into a roll that uses prunes and dried apricots, as well as vegetables, as a filling. In addition, among the whole variety of dishes from this meat can be distinguished turkey honeycomb with mushrooms, battered turkey fillet, cutlets, soup with egg noodles, baked turkey fillet in creamy mushroom sauce or turkey with aromatic rice. In any case, thanks to the low calorie content of turkey fillet, ready-made meals will be appetising, light, but satisfying.

turkey fillet 201 kCal

Energy value of turkey fillet (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Squirrels: 13.29 (~ 53 kCal)
Fats: 15.96 (~ 144 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 26% | 71% | 0%