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Escalope in Russian-French cuisine is usually called round, even layers of meat, which are cut from cuttings (pork, calf) or from other parts of meat pulp, but also across the fibers and even circles. The calorie content of escalop is about 363 kcal per hundred grams.

It is worth noting that earlier Milan ossi-bukki was called escalop - a dish that was borrowed by the chefs of St. Petersburg through French cuisine. Escalop, cut no more than one centimeter thick from raw meat, usually fought off after that (up to a thickness of five millimeters), but never breaded. Basically, the escalope was browned or grilled on a grid in papillots or open. This technological technique subsequently became the main one for the characteristics of food.

Consequently, escalope today is considered to be a round, even, thin piece of meat taken from the best part of the carcass, and then subjected to heat treatment without the use of breading. In recent years, in the domestic trade in semi-finished products, unfortunately, any thick, palm-sized pieces of pulp are incorrectly called escalopes.

You need to cook escalop as follows: the loin is cut into portions of 10 to 15 millimeters thick, slightly beaten off, sprinkled with salt (pepper if desired), and then fried on both sides. If ready, escalop can be placed on a croutine, side or watered with meat juice. Boiled or fried potatoes (deep-fried), boiled vegetables with fat or other complex side dishes are good as a side dish.

The word escalop itself comes from the Old French eschalope, meaning nut shell. This is probably due to the property of escalop that during frying the meat cringes and curls, resembling a wrinkled walnut shell in appearance. Therefore, to prevent folding, one side of the escalop is often cut.

Interestingly, tender and soft escalopes are obtained from the fillet part, while escalopes from the trenches are significantly harder and muscular. By the way, Italian scaloppines (escalopes from veal), which are prepared as saltimbocca or picatta, are usually cut out of the fillet part.

In addition, escalops can be made on the basis of the breast or wings of the turkey in the same way as pork or calves. And they also come from fish fillet (usually salmon) and lobster meat - then the calorie content of escalop and its nutritional value directly depends on the types of meat used.

escalopa 363 kCal

Energy value of escalop (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.1 g (~ 72 kCal)
Fats: 32.3 g (~ 291 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 20% | 80% | 0%