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Beef stroganoff

Beef stroganoff...

A popular dish of Russian cuisine to this day called befstroganov is cooked finely chopped pieces of meat (usually beef), which are poured with hot sour cream sauce. In addition, this dish can often be called Bef a la Stroganov, Bef-Stroganov or Stroganov meat. The caloric content of befstroganov in fresh form is about 193 kcal.

According to the recognized researcher of culinary history V. V. Pokhlebkin, this dish appeared no earlier than the II half of the 90s of the 19th century, and it is a typical invented meal - in other words, it has no folk roots. In general, befstroganov got its name in honor of Count Alexander Grigorievich Stroganov.

From the moment of its emergence to this day, befstrogans have become widespread throughout the world: it is customary to serve it in a wide variety of catering establishments: from canteens to elite restaurants. Moreover, after World War II, befstroganov is included in the nomenclature of restaurant cuisine around the world as a "Russian dish, " even despite the fact that it is not, in fact, nationally Russian.

By the way, the exact recipe for the classic befstroganov has not been preserved. In addition, over the years, various changes have been made to the recipe, which, as a rule, led to the loss of cooking technology and the integrity of the dish itself. For example, the following recipe for befstroganov for the reconstruction of V. V. Pokhlebkin is most accurately close to the original.

Beef is easily beaten in a piece and then cut into thin slices, about half a centimeter thick, with the meat to be cut across the fibres. The pieces are then panicked in flour and butter poured into the pan. Onions cut into mugs are laid out on the bottom so that the meat does not come into contact with the dishes. Over a high heat, slices of meat are quickly fried until brown.

The most important step in the preparation of befstroganov is roasting. So, if you observe the correct ignition of oil (preliminary) and not too large a portion of meat, this stage does not take more than five minutes, but ideally two or three. Frying meat for too long will certainly cause a loss of juiciness in the slices.

After that, the meat is poured with sour cream, which is mixed with tomato paste - in this case, the proportions solely depend on the taste of the cook, but there should be definitely more dairy product. Befstroganov is stewed under the lid, while only black pepper is added from the spices. By the way, the calorie content of befstroganov can vary depending, first of all, on the type of meat you choose.

befstroganova 193 kKal

Energy value of befstroganov (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16.7 (~ 67 kCal)
Fats: 11.3 g (~ 102 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.9 g (~ 24 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 35% | 53% | 12%