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Dumplings belong to traditional Slavic dishes, and they are most common in Ukraine. Dumplings have many similarities with dumplings (Eastern Russia and Siberia) and sorcerers (Western Russia), as well as many dishes of classical Chinese cuisine. The main difference between these meals is the filling and appearance of the dish. For example, Italian ravioli are small sorcerers filled with veal, which are usually made from the same dough as noodles. As a rule, dumplings are served hot with butter and sour cream.

Types of dumplings

Today, as many types of dumplings are known as the fillings that are used in their preparation. For example, in the old days, according to the religious calendar, dumplings were prepared with lean filling - stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, berries, crushed and boiled dried fruits, peas, boiled beans, buckwheat or millet porridge. Today, depending on the preferences of culinary experts, such types of dumplings are distinguished, which begin with chopped meat or poultry, mushrooms, vegetables, potatoes with cumin, cottage cheese.

In addition, to save time, modern hostesses have come up with a special type of dumplings - lazy, which are usually served with sweet gravy: cottage cheese is immediately added to the dough, so there is no need to wrap the filling. It is worth noting that variations in varenik species also depend on the shape of this product: semicircular or triangular.

Composition of dumplings

The composition of dumplings is quite simple - dough based on wheat flour and filling. By the way, dumpling dough can be lean, on kefir or yeast. It is rolled out into a thin layer, from which round, square or oblique pieces are cut, and then the filling is wrapped in them. After that, the edges of the dough are pinched, and the dumplings are placed in boiling water and boiled before surfacing.

The benefits of dumplings

The human health benefits of dumplings are evident if it is either a home-made product or a high-quality semi-finished product of industrial production. The useful properties of this dish are due, first of all, to the composition of dumplings, in which there is a huge amount of substances vital for humans.

The benefits of fruit-filled dumplings are that they are rich in vitamins, pectins and minerals, while the meat component serves as a source of valuable proteins, phosphorus, iron and potassium. The classic curd filling contains a lot of calcium, necessary for teeth and bones, as well as phosphorus, which, along with calcium, is directly involved in the formation of human bone tissues.

By the way, in dumplings that are steamed, much more useful elements are preserved and, moreover, they are more easily absorbed by the body compared to boiled products. The calorie content of dumplings in cottage cheese, for example, is about 248 kcal per hundred grams.

varenikov 248.2 kCal

Energy value of dumplings (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 13.7 g (~ 55 kCal)
Fats: 14.9 (~ 134 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 15.9 (~ 64 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 22% | 54% | 26%