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Today in Russia you can find a lot of salty snacks, thanks to which the snack becomes really fast filling. Among all this abundance, a special place belongs to crackers, which are in stable demand and popular among the domestic consumer.

By the way, what is interesting: in our country, people had an idea about crackers much earlier than this product gained popularity in the food market. The fact is that for a long time these dried bread products were used not only in home cooking, but also served as a food for military personnel.

From time immemorial, crackers were dried in an oven, and then used in the preparation of various dishes. Today there are a huge number of recipes with crackers, but salads are rightfully considered the most widespread. The same Caesar salad is simply unthinkable without the cool, which are essentially wheat crumbs. Chicken salad, with beans and many, many others.

Types of crackers

Based on the fact that these snacks are made from various varieties of bread, we can conclude that today the following types of crackers are distinguished: wheat, rye and wheat-rye. The most delicious products are obtained from bread, which is characterized by a special porous and very light structure.

Accordingly, the calorie content of breadcrumbs also differs depending on what kind of flour was used in baking bread, whether various foods that increase the nutritional value of the finished product were added, and many other factors.

Composition of crackers

The composition of crackers directly depends on the raw materials that are used in baking bread. So, in the case of dead dough, its main components are prime grade wheat flour, yeast, salt, sugar, chicken eggs. In the production of rye crumbs, white wheat flour is replaced by rye flour and a special starter is additionally used.

In addition, all kinds of taste enhancers, stabilizers, dyes and other additives of artificial origin are quite often observed in the composition of crackers to enrich taste qualities. It is clear that the health benefits of crackers with such a set E are not enough, so many housewives often prepare this product at home.

Benefits of crackers

Meanwhile, the benefit of high quality crackers lies in the content of a considerable amount of fiber, as well as such trace elements necessary for the human body as iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium, along with vitamins of group B.

The product contains a lot of carbohydrates, but they are well digested, and therefore the benefits of crackers are especially relevant in the postoperative period and in case of poisoning, since when they are consumed, the body receives the necessary energy without overloading the stomach.

Harms of crackers

The harm of industrial crackers for the body lies in their "rich" composition - after all, such a product contains in abundance a whole list of substances that adversely affect human health. Therefore, regular use in large quantities of crackers with all kinds of artificial additives can soon cause diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary system, as well as various inflammatory processes.

crackers 335.5 kCal

Energy value of crackers (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16 g (~ 64 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 70g (~ 280kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 19% | 3% | 83%