Capellini paste

It is no secret that Italians do not just love pasta, this nation will not be able to live even a day without freshly prepared pasta. Apparently for this reason, the Italian culinary tradition has more than three hundred types of pasta. Today we want to introduce you to the famous variety of Italian pasta - capellini or Capellini. This variety of pasta enjoys well-deserved popularity not only in Italy.
It is noteworthy that the capellini paste received its original name due to its external resemblance to thin and soft children's hair. Literally translated from Italian, the word Capellini means "thin hair. " Italians themselves distinguish two main types of the famous capellini paste. The first type of paste is called Capelli d'angelo or "angel hairs. "
In addition, there is Capelvenere pasta or "Venus hair. " True, as do not call capellini paste, the product will differ not only in its original appearance, but also in its taste, as well as consumer characteristics. The main feature of capellini paste can be considered the shape and appearance of pasta. The seemingly fragile and unreliable capellini paste retains all its consumer characteristics, and also "holds" its shape when heat treated.
Therefore, capellini pasta is not only served as a main course. Pasta works great with some varieties of Italian soups. However, most often capellini pasta, like other varieties of Italian pasta, is served to the table under a variety of sauces. Capellini paste is pasta, the diameter of which, as a rule, does not exceed 0. 88 mm. Capellini is made from high-quality wheat flour, necessarily coarse grinding.
According to the classic recipe, capellini dough is kneaded on mineral or spring water. It is noteworthy that capellini paste belongs to one of the most pressure-resistant varieties of pasta. Capellini paste will be ready in exactly three minutes, after you lower the pasta into boiling and slightly salted water.
Despite the non-standard parameters, capellini do not boil during cooking and retain their distinctive shape, as well as appearance. Capellini pasta refers to those types of pasta that combine perfectly with light sauces. For example, cream, cheese, tomato or pesto sauce. In addition, it is the capellini that Italian hostesses use for casseroles, as well as home baked goods. In just minutes, you can make a delicious capellini pasta treat with a green sauce.
In order to prepare green salsa verde sauce, the following ingredients will be needed: basil, parsley greens, olive oil, garlic, as well as parmesan cheese. The original ingredients are milled in a blender until smooth and then olive oil is added. Capellini paste is boiled in salted water. Water is drained and then capellini paste is mixed with green sauce. Capellini paste is served to the table, seasoned with fresh basil leaves.
capellini paste 346 kCal
Energy value of capellini paste (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 13 g (~ 52 kCal)
Fats: 1.5 g (~ 14 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 70.2 g (~ 281 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 4% | 81%