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The fact that Italians simply cannot live without pasta is known to everyone without exception. However, the fact that there are currently over three hundred different species of Italian paste is not known to many. At its core, Italian pasta is nothing but well-known pasta. In turn, pasta or pasta in the common people means a food product made from dough.

Pasta products differ in their characteristic shape, and in addition to their taste and consumer characteristics. Usually, pasta contains only two components - wheat flour, as well as water. However, pasta can be made from rice flour, buckwheat, mung beans or other food products. In addition, specific varieties of pasta can include a variety of flavors.

For example, Italian pasta is characterized by the use of various food dyes of natural origin. Often, tomatoes, spinach, cuttlefish ink, as well as eggs and herbs are used in the production of Italian pasta. The huge variety of types of Italian pasta opens up ample opportunities for culinary professionals. Professionals, as well as true connoisseurs of Italian cuisine, know that each type of pasta is specially invented for the preparation of a particular category of dishes.

It is also worth emphasizing that one of the criteria for the classification of the paste is the appearance of the pasta. Among the most common types of pasta are: long, short, soup, figured, as well as small pasta. Paste for baking is separated into a separate group. The group of pasta includes filled dough or culinary products such as ravioli, tortellini, as well as cannelloni.

Among the variety of Italian pasta, I would like to pay attention to such a type of pasta as papardelle or pappardelle. Papardelle pasta is flat in shape and long pasta. The width of the pappardelle paste is 2 cm. Such a type of paste as papardelle is usually served with thick sauces.

The true masterpiece and highlight of the national Italian kitchen is considered pappardelle pasta under a sauce of porcini mushrooms. It is often papardelle pasta that is used to make casseroles. Due to some similarity in appearance, papardelle paste is often confused with tagliatelle.

However, papardelle flat noodles are shorter but wider than the world-famous tagliatelle pasta. Experts recommend serving papardelle pasta as a side dish for game dishes as well as meat. Papardelle pasta is considered just the perfect side dish for meats like lamb.

papardelle 344 kCal

Energy value of papardelle (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 10 g (~ 40 kCal)
Fats: 1.1 g (~ 10 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 71.5 g (~ 286 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 12% | 3% | 83%