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Wheat germ flour

Wheat germ flour...

For more than a hundred years, scientists involved in grain processing and rational nutrition have been discussing how high the biological and nutritional value of wheat embryos is. After all, it is the embryo of wheat grain that is an invaluable gift of nature, which is rich in a mass of substances necessary for humans. So, in its composition there are about twelve vitamins, eighteen amino acids, as well as twenty-one micro- and macronutrient.

The main components of wheat embryos are protein, polysaccharides, ballast and mineral substances, vitamins, starch, oil, trace elements. For example, enzymes or otherwise enzymes of wheat grains are completely indispensable for natural metabolic processes, which are digestion, absorption of active substances, exposure to vitamins, as well as oxidative processes.

Due to the presence of such a palette of vital elements, eating wheat embryos can compensate for the lack of active substances, regulate digestion, increase the supply of oxygen, maintain diet for weight loss, give strength, energy and improve well-being.

Based on this valuable raw material, a product that is quite popular among adherents of a healthy diet is produced - wheat germ flour. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take it in its pure form or add it to food (porridge, soups, minced meat or salads).

On an industrial scale, wheat germ flour is most often used in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products. Based on it, breakfast cereals, waffles, gingerbread, cookies and many other products are produced.

The taste of dishes that are prepared with the addition of wheat germ flour received high marks from specialists. For example, chopped meat products are more lush and juicy, while ordinary bread acquires its appearance and taste, while it does not stale much longer.

At home, before cooking most dishes, it is recommended to "revive" wheat germ flour by soaking it for five to ten minutes in cold boiled water. By the way, some dishes provide for the preliminary drying of wheat germ flour to a slightly golden color in a heated frying pan. Moreover, it is due to this that it acquires a characteristic nutty taste.

You need to know that wheat germ flour is characterized by high moisture-absorbing indicators, which causes the preservation of raw material juices in finished dishes. In addition, wheat germ flour can be used as breadcrumbs - thanks to such a shell, the crust of ready-made meals always turns out to be quite crisp and does not soak.

wheat germ flour 335 kCal

Energy value of wheat germ flour (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 33.87 g (~ 135 kCal)
Fats: 7.7 g (~ 69 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 32.7 g (~ 131 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 40% | 21% | 39%