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Wheat bread

Wheat bread...

Wheat belongs to the main types of cereal crops that people began to grow millennia ago. Currently, wheat is cultivated in 80 countries of the world. Food manufacturers can offer a rich range of wheat products to the modern consumer.

Perhaps one of the most significant food derivatives obtained from grains of cereal that is incredibly important for mankind can be considered wheat flour. All kinds of bakery products are produced from wheat flour, as well as poultry. In addition, wheat flour is often used to make a variety of confectionery products and sweets.

White wheat flour of the highest grade is distinguished by its excellent consumer properties, which allow you to make first-class bakery products, including wheat bread. So historically, wheat bread belongs to the category of rather expensive products, of course in comparison with other types of bread.

Composition of wheat bread

Bread made from their wheat flour dominates the domestic bakery market. Wheat bread usually includes wheat flour, and not simple, but special bakery, which is ideal for bakery production. In addition to flour, the recipe for wheat bread provides for the use of drinking water of baker's yeast, as well as salt.

Often, modern manufacturers of wheat bread and other bakery products use various flavor enhancers and food additives in the product production process. These compounds help to maintain the taste, aroma and consumer characteristics of the finished bakery product for a longer period of time.

Types of wheat bread

It is worth noting that the composition of the product also depends on the type of wheat bread. As a rule, this or that type of wheat bread is determined by the grade of flour that was used to prepare the product. There is wheat bread from prime or first grade flour. In addition, to improve the taste and benefits of wheat bread, the product is made from a mixture of several types of flour.

Nuts, raisins or bran may be added to wheat bread. The calorie content of wheat bread directly depends on the type of product and the composition of the initial ingredients that were used in the preparation of the bakery product. It is worth noting that the average calorie content of wheat bread is 235 Kcal, which are produced per 100 grams of product.

Nutritionists argue that wheat bread made from coarse varieties of flour can greatly benefit the health of the human body. Studies have confirmed that such wheat bread improves the functioning of the digestive system and helps to establish metabolic and digestive processes. Doctors warn about the possible harm of wheat bread when excessive consumption of the product for food.

wheat bread 235 kCal

Energy value of wheat bread (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 7.9 g (~ 32 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 48.3 g (~ 193 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 4% | 82%