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Fetuccini is called a type of pasta, the homeland of which is Italy, but they are popular all over the world. It is noteworthy that this dish, which Italians traditionally begin to cook with dough kneading, is sold in Russia, as a rule, in dry form. Moreover, preparing fetuccini is quite simple - it is enough to boil these products like ordinary pasta in boiling water according to the instructions on the package, and then cook with a variety of fillers.

Fetuccini is not much different from the usual pasta for us. Moreover, if there is a difference, then it is more exclusively visual, although in size, of course, too. For example, if spaghetti is a narrow vermicelli, then fetucini looks like a wide long noodle. The caloric content of the fetuccini is approximately 384 kcal per 100 grams of dry product.

Regarding the preparation of fetuccini, we can say that Italians are famous all over the world as masters of their craft, so for them cooking pasta is a whole story. Meanwhile, for Russians, the main thing remains that in the end the dish was quickly prepared and turned out to be tasty.

There are many recipes for making these Italian pasta today: for example, fetuccini with truffles, with salmon and red caviar, ham, mushrooms, garlic and many other components.

But the most important secret of making fetuccini is rightfully considered sauce. In Italy, chefs simply love to add all sorts of savoury spices and spices to their dishes. This tradition is also a success in our country. By the way, it is believed that the better the sauce is prepared, the tastier the ready-made dish will be. For example, spaghetti bolognese is known for its name due to the sauce with which it is customary to serve pasta, while fetuccini is called so precisely because of noodles.

Fetuccini sauce with ham and mushrooms is usually made in cream or sour cream. In addition to mushrooms and ham, this pasta can be served like any other pasta, with a variety of seafood (salmon, shrimp), chicken meat and other products. For the sharpness of fetuccini, instead of ground black pepper, a small chilli piece is often used, which is previously freed from seeds.

However, no matter how tasty these Italian pasta is, one should not forget that the calorie content of fetuccini is quite high, which is due to the composition of this flour product. That is why you can treat yourself and your relatives with such an exquisite dish without harm to the figure no more than once a week.

Fetuchin 384 kCal

Energy value of fetuchins (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 14.16 (~ 57 kCal)
Fats: 4.44g (~ 40kCal)
Carbohydrates: 67.97 g (~ 272 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 10% | 71%