It often happens that people, even knowing in advance about the dangers of a particular product, simply cannot cope with the temptation and still use it in writing. This statement is one hundred percent suitable for chips. We think many have heard more than once or even two that the benefits of chips are much less than harm.
Moreover, chips are not combined with such a product as beer at all, and in modern drinking culture it is potato chips that have become the main beer snack. Children's nutritionists and ardent supporters of healthy eating pay close attention of parents to the high calorie content of chips and complain that this product, combined with carbonated sweet drinks, as well as fast food, leads to childhood obesity.
So what will outweigh the scales? Common sense and research that reveals the facts that prove the great harm of chips. Or people will turn a blind eye to the obvious things and continue to consume delicious and crispy potato poison. Chips are considered a fairly young product, because they were invented by chance by a cook at an American restaurant in the 20th century.
A very fussy client constantly returned the fried potatoes to the cook, indicating that he had cut the potatoes large. Then the quick-thinking master cut the potatoes into the thinnest wedges and cooked in boiling oil. The client was simply delighted with the dish served to him. By a lucky coincidence, the famous tycoon and the tycoon of the American business, Mr. Vanderbilt, turned out to be a fussy client, thanks to which the crisps we know in bags began to be produced.
Composition of chips
We can say that before the launch of industrial production, the benefits in chips remained, because the dish is based on potatoes, which contain no useful vitamin and mineral. The composition of the chips that were produced at the beginning of the last century was not replete with elements from the periodic table of Mendeleev. However, nowadays it is as difficult to find chips from real potatoes as to find a needle in a haystack.
The benefits of chips
The only plus of chips lies, perhaps, in their excellent taste, which, however, is more the result of a competent combination of food additives and flavors identical to natural tastes (potatoes and bacon, onions and sour cream, shrimp, herbs, cheese, etc. ) than the skill of the manufacturer.
Harms crisps
More eloquent than any words about the obvious harm of chips is the chemical composition of the product, which is replete with various food additives, gluconates, flavors, as well as preservatives. To reduce the cost of the production process, chips include far from natural potatoes, according to colorful advertising.
Potato flour or cereal, and often corn, is used. The calorie content of chips is high due to the fact that they are prepared using a huge amount of oil, and not always vegetable. As you yourself guessed, there is no need to talk about the benefits of chips.
520 kCal chips
Energy value of chips (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 5.5 g (~ 22 kCal)
Fats: 30g (~ 270 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 53g (~ 212 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 52% | 41%