Borodino bread

Borodino bread can rightfully be ranked among one of the most popular food products that are in stable demand not only among the majority of residents of the Russian Federation, but also in the countries that were previously part of the USSR. We think there is no such Russian person who has not tasted rye Borodino bread at least once in his life. A distinctive feature of Borodino bread can be considered a sprinkle of coriander or cumin, which gives the finished bakery product a characteristic taste and aroma.
According to the classic recipe, Borodino bread includes wheat and rye flour, as well as rye malt, yeast, molasses, sugar, coriander, or in some versions, cumin is used as sprinkling. There are several versions of the origin of the recipe for Borodino bread. One version is associated with the War of 1812 and the site of a major battle on the Borodino field. Perhaps Borodino bread got its name in honor of the place where the recipe for bakery product was invented.
This happened in the Spaso-Borodino monastery, which Margarita Naryshkina, the wife of the famous general Alexander Tuchkov, who died in the battle of Borodino, built with her own money. Legend has it that Abbess Maria, along with the nuns, baked memorial black Borodino bread in memory of her heroically deceased husband and other soldiers. The nuns baked the first Borodino bread from rye flour with the addition of malt and cumin, as well as with the obligatory reading of the prayer. However, in modern times, the composition of Borodino bread, like the product itself, has undergone significant changes.
Composition of Borodino bread
We think not many people know that the composition of the beloved rye black bread so hotly contains only 15% rye flour. Many believe that the calorie content of Borodino bread is much lower than that of other varieties of the product. It is worth noting that the average calorie content of Borodino bread corresponds to 207 Kcal, which fall on 100 grams of bakery product. For comparison, let's give caloric values of white bread made only from wheat flour - 259 Kcal.
The thing is that in the last 40 years, Borodino bread has been made from second-grade wheat flour with the addition of rye flour. True, in fairness, it should be noted that in reality there is a clear benefit of Borodino bread for the human body. To make the benefits of Borodino bread obvious, just look at the composition of the bakery product, which contains not only vitamins of the PP and B groups, as well as such useful compounds as iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
The benefits of Borodino bread
Nutritionists, as well as doctors, advise to regularly eat Borodino bread for people who suffer from constipation, as well as gout and hypertension. Borodino bread contains bran, which helps to increase the peristalsis of the intestines, and in addition, coriander or cumin help to remove uric acid from the human body. Unfortunately, as is often the case, in addition to the benefits, there is also the harm of Borodino bread.
Harms of Borodino bread
Doctors do not recommend abusing Borodino bread for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as enterocolitis and celiac disease. In addition, the harm of Borodino bread can significantly affect people suffering from increased acidity of gastric juice. In any case, Borodino bread causes harm only in the case without a control consumption of the product as food in large quantities.
Borodino bread 207 kKal
Energy value of Borodino bread (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 6.8 g (~ 27 kCal)
Fats: 1.3 g (~ 12 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 40.7 g (~ 163 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 6% | 79%