White bread
We are used to dividing bread into two main types - white bread and black bread. Black bread is made from rye flour or from a mixture of wheat and rye flour. All other bread is classified as white bread. White bread is produced from flour of various varieties and types.
You can find barley bread, corn bread, oat bread, but usually white bread is baked from prime, first and second grade wheat flour. Sometimes gray bread is isolated separately, such bread is produced from a mixture of wheat and oat or barley flour.
The recipe for making white bread has not undergone significant changes since the days of ancient Greece and Rome. After all, it was the Greeks and Romans who began to make bread in the form that is most close to modern white bread.
The benefits of white bread
So, for white bread, wheat flour is usually used. Here we can already talk about the benefits of white bread for the body. Wheat flour contains important nutrients and elements (starch and proteins) that will also be present in bread. To make dough, water is added to wheat flour. Usual proportions: on the 1 part of the water 3 part of the flour.
By the way, recipes for white bread are known in which other liquids are used instead of water, for example, milk, fruit juice and even beer. After the dough for white bread is ready, a special starter is added to it. As a rule, these are culinary yeast. Sometimes producers of white bread add not only yeast to the dough. What is more harm from white bread or good?
The harms of white bread
We think it is worth first to voice the obvious facts that indicate the benefits of white bread for the body. Useful substances that are contained in wheat or other cereals during processing go into flour from which bread is baked. Therefore, it is fair to say that bread contains both useful vitamins, amino acids and various important biological compounds.
That's just why, more and more recently, nutritionists have been asking their patients to refrain from white bread and replace it with whole grain oat, barley or black rye bread? Everything is obvious. Manufacturers add not only yeast to the dough, but also various flavor enhancers, preservatives and sweeteners.
The calorie content of white bread is on average 259 Kcal per 100 grams of product, which is not very different from the indicators of black rye bread. The problem is different. Not the calorie content of white bread prevents this product from being considered dietary. And the content in its composition is a large amount of so-called fast carbohydrates, from which people get fuller.
Therefore, lovers of buns and shop loaves quickly feel the harm of white bread in their figure. You can eat delicious fresh white bread and not get fat, except you have to bake it yourself and preferably from wheat flour with bran.
white bread 259 kCal
Energy value of white bread (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 7.7 g (~ 31 kCal)
Fats: 3g (~ 27kCal)
Carbohydrates: 50.1 g (~ 200 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 12% | 10% | 77%