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Rhys shirataki

Rhys shirataki...

Rice Shirataki is rightly considered the secret of the beauty, health and longevity of East Asians. As you know, the world leader in the consumption of such products is Japan, whose population annually consumes approximately 200 tons of Shirataki, which has become part of the daily diet of the Japanese. That is why it is not surprising that among them there are almost no people who are overweight (which is typical for residents of European and American countries).

Today, the Shirataki range is represented by three types of products: primarily marinade noodles, dry noodles and Shirataki rice. All of them are popular in Asian states, although they have recently aroused genuine interest and domestic consumers.

Shirataki rice (like noodles) is made from special flour, in turn derived from the tubers of the cognaku (horse) plant. Along with noodles, Shirataki rice is a natural plant product, which contains almost no calories, but there is dietary fiber. That is why it is great for people taking care of their health, controlling body weight as well as cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Shirataki rice goes on sale in an almost ready-to-eat form. It is enough to open the package, rinse the contents of the bag with cold running water, then lower the rice into boiling water or broth and cook it for no more than two minutes. Seasoned with sauce, Shirataki rice is recommended to be served with meat or vegetable dishes as a side dish.

In fact, Shirataki rice does not have a pronounced taste, and therefore this product is perfectly combined with almost any type of sauces and dressings. In addition, Shirataki rice is great for making marinades and salads (for example, Shirataki rice pickled with spices and spring onions).

Shirataki rice composition should always be written on the packaging of the product and contain only three ingredients: konyaku (horse meat) plant tuber flour, purified water and calcium hydroxide. If the product is purchased frozen, you do not need to defrost it before use. It is recommended to store Shirataki rice in the refrigerator after the package integrity is broken.

It is noteworthy that Shirataki rice, along with similar noodles, is one of the few foods of the Dukan Diet, belonging to the category "Without Restrictions" and recommended for introduction into the diet at the "Attack" stage. In other words, you can eat Shirataki rice in almost unlimited quantities without fear of unwanted kilograms.

shirataki rice 9 kKal

Energy value of shirataki rice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 27%