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Rye bran

Rye bran...

We think we will not be mistaken if we argue that many have heard or even tried on themselves about the useful properties of rye bran, however, as well as other types of product. However, information about the properties of rye bran alone is not enough for the product to bring real benefits to the human body. In fact, you need not only to know about the benefits of rye bran for the human body, but also to use the product correctly.

Composition of rye bran

The chemical composition of rye bran is close in content of vitamins and other useful biologically active compounds to whole grains of cereal culture. It can be argued that the composition of rye bran retains most of the useful compounds laid down by nature itself in the cereal. About 40% of the composition of rye bran comes from vegetable fiber. In addition, rye bran is enriched with vitamins of group A, B, E, and also contains a number of minerals indispensable for the human body.

Benefits of rye bran

The benefits of rye bran lie in the unique vitamin-mineral composition of the product, which, in addition, contains a record amount of vegetable protein. Such a protein is easily absorbed by the digestive system of the body, and also saturates with amino acids and other undoubtedly important compounds. It is worth noting that the calorie content of rye bran is at a fairly high level.

The product contains a fairly large amount of protein, as well as carbohydrates. These compounds help to quickly and for a long time satisfy the feeling of hunger. On average, the calorie content of rye bran will not exceed 221 Kcal. Due to the content of many compounds useful for the human body in the chemical composition of rye bran, the product is used in a dietary and, in addition, a therapeutic and preventive nutrition menu.

Regular consumption of rye bran helps in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, gastritis, dysbiosis, as well as diseases associated with the liver, pancreas. Bladder, as well as colon. In addition, the Omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in rye bran have a powerful antioxidant effect on the human body.

Damage to rye bran

It is worth noting that in addition to invaluable benefits, harm from rye bran can occur. As a rule, rye bran is harmful to human health in the event of improper use of the product in the diet. Doctors and nutritionists recognize all the beneficial properties of rye bran, but warn that this product cannot be considered a full-fledged drug.

Rather, rye bran is a vitamin nutritional supplement that can qualitatively improve the diet of people of all ages. Therefore, before starting to eat rye bran, it is worth consulting with the attending physician, as well as undergo a standard medical examination.

rye bran 221 kCal

Energy value of rye bran (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 11.2 g (~ 45 kCal)
Fats: 3.2 g (~ 29 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 32g (~ 128kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 13% | 58%