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In today's world, more and more people are beginning to pay close attention to their health. In print media, as well as on the Internet, you can find hundreds of thousands of books on healthy eating, which give various advice and recommendations. However, almost all nutritionists recognize the exceptional benefits of bran not only for a good figure, but also for health.

Few people realize that an incredibly healthy product is just a side effect of the flour making process. Bran is a shell of grain that is removed when the cereals are ground into flour. The type of bran depends on the type of cereal. There are wheat, oat, rye, barley, buckwheat and rice bran.

Bran composition

There are quite rare types of bran - mustard, which are used for well-known mustard compresses or "mustard, " as well as linen bran, which are more used as culinary seasonings. The chemical composition of bran is rich in the content of vitamins, useful minerals and natural substances.

Researchers claim that the vitamin-mineral composition of bran contains up to 90% of the beneficial components that are initially present in the whole grain of cereal. This once again proves the exceptional health benefits of bran for the human body. Calorie indicators of bran vary depending on the type of cereal crops on the basis of which the product was obtained.

Benefits of bran

Bran includes a large amount of dietary fiber, as well as carbohydrates. These substances give excellent saturating properties, which, together with the calorie level of bran, allows you to classify the product as dietary. Not only nutritionists appreciated the beneficial properties of bran. Doctors prescribe regular use of bran to people who suffer from bowel disease, as well as dysbiosis.

The useful antiseptic properties of bran have long been known to the medical profession. If you feel discomfort in the stomach, then a decoction of bran will help you cope with the disease. Bran is useful for people who try to control their weight and are obese. It's all about the wonderful saturating abilities of bran, which for a long time relieve a person of hunger.

Damage to bran

When using the product, there are some rules and recommendations, otherwise the harm from bran will be more significant than the benefit. Non-granular bran should be pre-treated with boiling water, and only after half an hour in hot water can the product be eaten or added to dishes as an ingredient. Bran should be washed down with water when consumed.

When bran enters our bodies, we must definitely dilute them with water so that the product begins to swell and fill the stomach. Bran is slowly digested and gives a feeling of fullness. If you do not drink the bran with water, you will not get a useful effect. For the reason described above, the health of people who suffer from ulcerative diseases, colitis, enteritis, as well as erosion of the gastrointestinal tract, can be significantly damaged by bran of all species.

bran 165 kCal

Energy value of bran (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 16 g (~ 64 kCal)
Fats: 4.3 g (~ 39 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 64.5g (~ 258kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 39% | 23% | 156%