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Buckwheat kernel cereal

Buckwheat kernel cereal...

Without a doubt, buckwheat is an incredibly nutritious and healthy, and besides, delicious food. Cereals are produced in the process of processing valuable agricultural buckwheat crops or Fagópyrum. Buckwheat belongs to herbaceous plants from the Buckwheat family. For the production of cereals, buckwheat is used, researchers consider Northern India to be the birthplace of this variety of plant.

With the help of archaeological excavations, researchers were able to establish that people began to eat buckwheat about 5 thousand years ago. Only in the 15th century buckwheat was used not only in India, but also in the rest of Asia, as well as the Middle East. In those days, buckwheat began to be called "Arab grain. " On the territory of the Slavs, buckwheat has been used for food since the 7th century, since the plant was brought to them from Byzantium.

Over the thousand-year history of existence in the world culinary tradition, thousands of recipes for cooking buckwheat have accumulated. Currently, there are several main types of buckwheat:

or pre-crushed buckwheat grains with a broken structure;

buckwheat kernel cereal;

Smolensk buckwheat groats are highly ground buckwheat grains.

In addition, buckwheat is distinguished depending on the pre-treatment of grain. For example, such a species as buckwheat kernel cereals is produced from whole as well as ground kernels of non-steamed grains of the plant. It is also noteworthy that buckwheat kernel cereals are plants purified from the fruit shell. Depending on the quality of the cereal, buckwheat nucleus is divided into three main varieties.

Special attention should be paid to the vitamin-mineral composition of buckwheat kernel cereals, which contains a significant amount of biologically active compounds that are certainly useful for the human body. Buckwheat kernel cereal contains vitamins of group E, B, A, PP, as well as beta-carotene. Buckwheat kernel cereal is enriched with iodine, zinc, iron, selenium, molybdenum, fluorine, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

In cooking, buckwheat kernels are usually used as the main dish or side dish. Sometimes, buckwheat in combination with other ingredients becomes the filling of baking milk or stuffed meat, fish or vegetable dishes. Regular consumption of buckwheat kernel cereals helps in the prevention of some diseases.

Buckwheat can become a tasty and nutritious drug for atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis and cirrhosis. Buckwheat porridge strengthens the immune system, as well as normalizes blood cholesterol levels. In addition, it helps with hypertension.

buckwheat kernel cereals 308 kCal

The energy value of buckwheat kernel cereals (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 12.6 g (~ 50 kCal)
Fats: 3.3 g (~ 30 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 57.1 g (~ 228 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 16% | 10% | 74%