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Apple jam

Apple jam...

August is rightfully considered the apple season, when there is often just an unprecedented harvest of juicy aromatic fruits, and not everyone knows where to give such an amount. That's when numerous recipes for making apple jam come to the rescue, many of which are so successful that they pass from generation to generation.

Apple jam is recognized as the most tasty and very beautiful with wedges, which are almost transparent. Not only adults, but also children are delighted with such apple jam - they really like to put glowing apple wedges on a bun with butter or just eat a glass of warm tea.

Sometimes, when preparing this appetising product, apples are boiled and turned into apple puree, so you need to be able to prepare this delicacy. To cook the "right" apple jam, it is important to responsibly approach the selection and preparation of raw materials. To prepare this aromatic treat, it is best to take apples of the following varieties: Antonovka, Renet Simirenko, Anis, Borovinka, Pepin saffron and similar. All of them are acidic and perfectly retain their shape when cooking.

For apple jam, mature, but not overripe, intact fruits are moved and thoroughly washed. Use slightly worn or damaged apples to make apple povidl or jam.

Large fruits are cut into wedges no more than 2 centimeters wide, and small ones are simply halved. To prevent the flesh of apples from darkening, the wedges are recommended to be blanched for about 3 minutes in boiling water.

It is known that you can cook apple jam in different ways. As with other fruits, apples can be boiled once or repeatedly. The latter option is preferable, since it allows you to better maintain the transparency of the syrup and the shape of the apple lobes.

In addition, depending on the variety of apples that are used to prepare apple jam, about 1-
1. 2 kilograms of granulated sugar, preferably white refined, must be added to one kilogram of fresh fruit. It is clear that the amount of sugar used will depend not only on the sweetness, but also on the calorie content of apple jam.

The main signs of the readiness of the "correct" apple jam can be called the following: the drop of syrup poured on the saucer does not bloom when cooled, maintaining its shape, the pieces of fruit are distributed evenly in the syrup, and do not float. And, of course, the syrup should be clear and uniform consistency. The calorie content of apple jam is approximately 15
1. 7 kcal per hundred grams of sweet treats.

apple jam 151.7 kCal

Energy value of apple jam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 37.4 g (~ 150 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 1% | 99%