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Viennese waffles

Viennese waffles...

Such a famous confection as waffles taught their original name thanks to the German language and the word waffel. It is worth noting that waffles are the result, as confectioners initially thought, of an unsuccessful cookie preparation. However, having tried the first waffles to taste, the pastry chef decided to give life to a new type of thin and dry cookies, which was distinguished by an imprint on the surface and unusual tastes, as well as a crisp consistency.

Both the first and modern waffles are made from batter, which is placed in special molds and then baked. Usually, the waffle dough contains only a few ingredients - flour, cream, chicken eggs, as well as sugar or its substitutes. Other ingredients are used to make various types of waffles. For example, cocoa powder for chocolate waffles.

Over the centuries-old history of the existence of confectionery in the global culinary tradition, a huge number of recipes for making waffles have accumulated. It is worth noting that waffles are also used as an independent confection, which is an important component ingredient in some desserts. Waffles are used to prepare cakes, for this purpose confectionery product is lubricated with cream and connected to each other.

Waffles are served with ice cream, as well as fresh fruit and berries, jam and jam, as well as syrup, chocolate, caramel and other sweet flavors. Special types of confectionery include the famous Vienna waffles. Such a confection as Vienna waffles differs from other varieties of the product in its appearance, taste, as well as basic consumer characteristics.

Vienna waffles are so-called lush or air waffles, which are often used by confectioners in the process of making cakes, cakes or desserts. The calorie content of Vienna waffles depends primarily on the recipe of the confectionery product. However, the average caloric content of Vienna waffles prepared according to the classic recipe without filler is 367 Kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of the product.

Such a type of confectionery as Vienna waffles can be easily found in domestic grocery stores. However, it is worth trying homemade Viennese waffles for once to experience the beauty of home baking. To make Vienna waffles at home, you will need flour, chicken eggs, baking powder or baking powder, cow's milk or cream, butter, as well as sugar and lemon juice.

Initially, dough is formed from the above listed ingredients. The finished Vienna waffle dough is then placed in a special tin and baked. Ready-made Viennese waffles are greased with pastry cream, condensed milk, chocolate, caramel, jam or jam, as well as other fillers and served as dessert to the table.

Vienna waffles 368.6 kCal

Energy value of Vienna waffles (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 5.52 g (~ 22 kCal)
Fats: 17.32 (~ 156 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 47.13 g (~ 189 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 42% | 51%