Green tomato jam

To date, there is a lot of talk about possible harm, as well as about the useful properties of green tomatoes, but these not fully ripened fruits are of unnamed popularity among connoisseurs of this type of Paslenovs. In fact, green tomatoes can harm the human body by the presence of a substance called solanine in their composition, which, when eaten, can provoke severe poisoning.
However, as the fruit matures, the amount of solanine decreases significantly, so ripe tomatoes are completely safe in this sense. By the way, the notorious solanine present in green tomatoes is well removed when the fruits are placed in salted water.
In cooking, green tomatoes are most often used for preservation - they are marinated or salted, resulting in delicious flavors. However, among connoisseurs, another dish is equally beloved - green tomato jam. For those who have never heard of a sweet treat made from these green vegetables at all, it will surely be interesting to know how to make it at home.
Such a beautiful and completely non-binary recipe for green tomato jam will appeal to fans of unusual dishes. Not only does the finished green tomato jam look unusual, but its taste is difficult to distinguish from a product made from fruits. By the way, connoisseurs argue that green tomato jam tastes very similar to kiwi jam.
So, for making homemade jam from green tomatoes, in addition to the green vegetables and sugar themselves, lemon zest and vanilla can be useful, which can be easily replaced with vanillin or vanilla sugar. These fragrances will greatly improve the gastronomic quality of the finished product, which will be great not only as an accompaniment to hot drinks, but also for home baking.
The process of making green tomato jam is not complicated, but it takes some time. At first, the prepared green fruits are cut into wedges, poured with sugar sand and left for about half a day so that the vegetables let in the juice. After that, lemon zest is added to them, the mixture is brought to a boil and the cololo is boiled for ten minutes.
When the green tomato jam is completely cooled and infused, vanilla is added, the mass is boiled again and cooled within a few hours. At the end, the green tomato jam is cooked a little longer, if desired, the vegetables are crushed with a submersible blender and the hot treat is hermetically rolled up.
green tomato jam 364.5 kCal
Energy value of green tomato jam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 97.2 g (~ 389 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 107%