Nectarine jam

Today, few people wonder what kind of fruit is such nectarine. For those who do not know, nectarine is called a type of peach, which also comes from China. The main difference between nectarine and peach is that the former is a bare peach, which is popular worldwide. In addition, the mature fruits of nectarin are quite large and beautiful, and they taste somewhat sweeter than ordinary peach, although the composition and properties of these two fruits are largely similar.
Nectarines are usually consumed not only fresh, but also use fruits as an excellent component in the preparation of various fruit salads, dessert dishes, jelly, compotes, mousses and a number of other sweet meals. Nectarines can just be a superb filling for pies, pies, buns, puffs, cakes and cakes. In addition, on their basis you can prepare delicious blanks that are highly valued in the winter season.
Mostly, culinary experts make juicy fruits, jams, make mashed potatoes and, undoubtedly, fragrant jam from nectarines. By the way, natural nectarine jam is not in many ways different from the same sight or jam - excellent treats that have not only a bright taste, but also many useful properties.
It is important that homemade jam from nectarines is not at all necessary to cook from exclusively ideal in appearance, selected fresh fruits. Slightly crumpled or lying nectarines are quite suitable, which, by the way, sometimes taste even better than their not fully ripe counterparts with a sour taste and a tough texture. In addition, when making jam from nectarines, you can partially replace these fruits with the same peaches or apricots - the taste of the finished treat will not suffer at all.
Those who are very fond of nectarine jam, but for some reason cannot make this wonderful product themselves, the modern food industry can offer a ready-made fruit treat. It is clear that in terms of the presence of useful substances, such a product can and is inferior to home-made nectarine jam, but its taste is also tender and sweet, and the aroma is rich and thin.
The caloric content of nectarine jam may vary depending on the amount of granulated sugar used in its preparation, but the average nutritional value of this product is at 258 kcal. By the way, when preparing homemade jam from nectarines, you can safely regulate the sweetness of the fruit product and therefore change the nutritional value of this wonderful product.
258 kCal nectarine jam
Energy value of jam from nectarines (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 66.8 g (~ 267 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 104%