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Fizalis jam

Fizalis jam...

The truly amazing plant physalis grows in the garden or in the garden, and a person does not even know that its fruits have healing power along with excellent taste. In general, it is customary to distinguish between ornamental physalis, as well as vegetable and berry species of this plant. The first cannot be eaten, but the second, as a rule, is preserved (salted or pickled), while based on the fruits of berry varieties they make jam from physalis.

Tasty, aromatic and sweet jam from physalis is prepared with the addition of granulated sugar and water, the proportions of which directly depend on the recipe. However, most often the same amount of sugar is used per kilogram of fresh fruit of berry physalis. With various variations, the calorie content of the finished fizalis jam, respectively, changes up or down.

Before making jam from physalis, the fruits are freed from the cups in which they are contained, after which the berries are necessarily washed in hot water to remove the adhesive substance. It is also often recommended to additionally flash the fruits for several minutes, which saves physalis from a somewhat specific taste.

Ready-made physalis jam will have a more attractive appearance if the berries remain intact. So that during the heat treatment the fruits do not creep, they need to be pierced with a toothpick or needle in several places.

Then the recipe for homemade jam preparation from physalis envisages the prepared berries putting into hot sugar syrup and their maintenance in concentrated liquid for ten hours. This is followed by repeated welding of fizalis jam for five minutes, followed by complete cooling. In sterile jars, ready-made jam from physalis is poured hot and rolled up.

The benefits of fizalis jam

The benefits of jam from physalis are recognized by domestic unconventional medicine, whose representatives argue that the fruits of this plant are rich in chemical composition. Proteins, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins A and C, as well as a considerable amount of minerals present in fresh physalis berries, partially turn into jam even after thermal treatment.

In addition, the benefits of jam from physalis are obvious due to the content of organic acids in its composition: citric, malic, wine, amber, coffee, ferulic and synapic. It has been proven that the fruits of physalis contain the natural substance lycopene, which not only causes a bright color of berries, but is also characterized by an antioxidant effect.

Natural jam from physalis, like fresh fruits, can be actively used as a painkiller, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic. To strengthen the immune system, as well as to fight cholecystitis, hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases, this treat can also help.

273 kCal physalis jam

Energy value of jam from physalis (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 70g (~ 280kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 3% | 103%