Vanilla ice cream

We think all without exception the inhabitants of our latitudes and even more the overwhelming majority of the population of the planet Earth love to feast on such a dessert as ice cream. It is worth noting that ice cream is considered a very ancient sweet treat. Some researchers claim that ice cream first appeared about 4, 000 years ago.
However, it was only reliably established that about 2000 BC in China served to the table of emperors dessert inherently resembling modern ice cream. As a rule, ingredients such as cow's milk, sugar, various oils, as well as flavors and flavors are used in the ice cream production process. In addition, ice cream is made from cream.
Current food producers, including ice cream, often use food additives that allow them to maintain unique taste and consumer characteristics for a longer period of time. Several main types of ice cream are distinguished in the food industry:
cream ice cream is a product in the process of making which animals have been used, and in addition vegetable fats;
fruit ice or a product based on frozen fruit or fruit juice;
sorbet or sherbet soft ice cream, also made on the basis of fruit and berry juice;
melorin or ice cream, which contains vegetable fats.
In addition to the above classification, there are a considerable number of different types of ice cream. Perhaps the most common and widely consumed types of product can be considered strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream. A food such as vanilla ice cream differs from other varieties by the presence of vanilla in its chemical composition.
Thanks to vanilla, ice cream acquires a distinctive taste and aroma. Vanilla ice cream is used as a separate refreshing dessert or a composite ingredient of various cocktails. The composition of vanilla ice cream, however, as well as the calorie content of the product, depends on the recipe and method of manufacture chosen by the food manufacturer.
Vanilla ice cream composition
As a rule, vanilla ice cream includes milk or cream, vanilla or spice extract, as well as flavoring additives and fats of vegetable or animal origin. As mentioned earlier, the calorie content of vanilla ice cream depends on the set of initial ingredients that are used in the product production process.
However, the average caloric content of vanilla ice cream is 201 Kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of product. Nowadays, vanilla ice cream can be easily found on the shelves of the vast majority of domestic stores. However, the store version will not be able to compare with vanilla ice cream prepared at home.
vanilla ice cream 200.99 kCal
Energy value of vanilla ice cream (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Squirrels: 3.87 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 10.94 g (~ 98 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 21.97 g (~ 88 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 8% | 49% | 44%