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Glazed cheeses

Glazed cheeses...

Glazed cheeses refer to curd desserts, which are coated with glaze on top. The composition of the glazed cheeses may vary depending on the recipe of the dish. Currently, an unprecedented variety of glazed cheeses can be found on grocery store shelves. Raw materials with fruit and other fillings covered with chocolate, caramel or other glaze are in constant demand.

Glazed cheeses appeared on the territory of the USSR back in the 50s of the last century. Then this new sweet product was produced only with the taste of vanilla, much later a chocolate curd product appeared. The children immediately appreciated the glazed cheeses for their sweet and tender taste. Until now, glazed cheeses do not lose their relevance.

Composition of glazed cheeses

The composition of glazed cheeses, as a rule, includes cottage cheese or curd mass, to which sugar, butter and vanillin are added, as well as other additives, including dyes, preservatives or flavoring agents. The content of such sometimes heavy chemical elements does not add benefit to the glazed cheese, rather the opposite.

Most nutritionists have a negative attitude towards glazed cheese and specialists have several reasons. Firstly, the calorie content of glazed cheeses is at a fairly high level and is 413 Kcal per 100 grams of product. What is noteworthy, in the domestic confectionery industry, glazed cheeses are classified as sweets. The calorie content of glazed cheeses is inferior to, for example, chocolates.

However, not only calorie content prevents the curd product from being beneficial for human health. In the chemical composition of glazed cheeses, the content of not only sugar and carbohydrates, but also fat is high. Moreover, often unscrupulous manufacturers add low-quality fats to the curd product, which are poorly absorbed by the human body and settle in the form of extra pounds.

In addition, the harm of glazed cheeses lies in sufficiently high cholesterol indicators, which gives reason to completely exclude this product from the diet of some groups of people. For example, people with diabetes, overweight and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Parents should pay close attention not only to the amount of glazed cheese consumed by children, but also to the quality of the product.

Sugar included in sweets can harm children's health, which will be expressed in dental disease, and can also provoke diabetes. When buying curds glazed in the store, you should always pay attention to the expiration date and release date of the product. Glazed cheeses can be made at home, for this you need cottage cheese, cream and butter, as well as chocolate and granulated sugar, powdered sugar is also suitable.

All ingredients must be mixed into a homogeneous mass, then divided the curd mass into parts and shaped into glazed cheeses. at the last stage, home-made cheeses are coated with chocolate glaze and placed in a refrigerator until completely set.

413 kCal glazed cheeses

Energy value of glazed cheeses (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 7.9 g (~ 32 kCal)
Fats: 27.7 g (~ 249 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 32.6 g (~ 130 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 8% | 60% | 32%