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Chocolate cookies

Chocolate cookies...

It is known that only by the 15th century did the revival of European confectionery art begin, which was associated with the advent of sugar. Until then, almost all sweets were brought from Arab countries. The first chocolate pastries, including chocolate cookies, appeared closer to the 16th century. Moreover, the increasing popularity for such desserts over a long period was associated with the fact that chocolate was mainly consumed as a drink, so a new way of using it appealed to many sweet tooth and confectionery masters. However, then chocolate cookies belonged to the category of scarce products, since chocolate and sugar were incredibly expensive, and exclusively wealthy people could allow them.

The popularity of chocolate cookies and other pastries using "black gold" has increased further since 182

8. It was then that Dutch scientist Van Houten invented a method for separating cocoa powder and cocoa butter. As a result of this discovery, chocolate became significantly cheaper and, accordingly, most of the population gained access to this product. However, the ubiquitous use of chocolate for confectionery purposes only began after surgery such as chocolate conching first appeared in 187

9. It was thanks to her that the taste of chocolate cookies softened significantly, and its consistency became more uniform and tender, since chocolate has since become easier to mix with other components.

Currently, chocolate cookies hardly leave lovers of sweets indifferent. Moreover, in view of modern technologies, there are more and more varieties of this treat every day. By the way, not only the appearance, but also the calorie content of chocolate cookies directly depends on the composition of this product. For example, biscuit chocolate cookies are much lighter and more plush than the sand version of this sweet dish. For calorie counting adherents, the modern industry produces diet chocolate cookies that are practically fat-free, and eating this product will in no way affect your waist.

In cooking, chocolate cookies are not only used as a full-fledged dessert dish, but also act as one of the components of all kinds of sweet meals. Most often, the hostesses add it to multi-layered delicate desserts, where chocolate cookies add an unmatched chocolate flavor and exquisite notes to the finished dish. However, do not forget that the calorie content of chocolate cookies is quite high (406 kcal per 100 grams), so you can allow this sweet treat without harm to the figure no more than a couple of times a week.

406 kCal chocolate biscuits

The energy value of chocolate cookies (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.8 g (~ 19 kCal)
Fats: 16.3 (~ 147 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 61.6 g (~ 246 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 36% | 61%