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Rapeseed honey

Rapeseed honey...

Limitless fields with a yellow veil, the aroma of which makes you dizzy. . . This rapeseed is a species of herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus Cabbage from the Cabbage family. As a rule, this feed plant is widely cultivated not only for the sake of its use in animal feed. Raps is known for its essential oils, which is why high-quality vegetable oil is made from it. In addition, rapeseed honey is born from nectar of bright yellow rapeseed flowers.

Bee workers can collect about 8 kilograms of the most aromatic nectar per day, which is then miraculously transformed into rapeseed honey. By the way, rapeseed itself is not a traditional culture for Russia, which is why neighboring Belarus has become a mediator country, which is considered a kind of rapeseed route to our country.

Rapeseed honey is yellow with a slightly noticeable whitish tinge. Its special aroma is hidden by a truly sweet, almost cloying taste. Honey has a very thick texture and in a short time turns into whitish crystals, which have a special, tart taste and a persistent aroma of a flower field. By the way, quite often rapeseed honey begins to crystallize while still in the cells of the honeycombs. The taste of this sweet treat leaves behind a light, pleasing mustard that gives a slightly mustard flavour.

A distinctive property of rapeseed honey is its habit of skimming very quickly, so care must be taken when storing this sweet product. In addition, this honey variety does not dissolve well in water, which should be taken into account when creating all kinds of aqueous mixtures with an admixture of rapeseed delicacy.

However, beekeepers call it alive, thanks to the strong medicinal properties of rapeseed honey. It is rapeseed honey that fills the shelves of European supermarkets with different names and in different types. May, spring, pioneer rapeseed honey has become a mandatory ingredient in medicinal formulations in Europe. It is very often used for consumption along with other healthy supplements.

A practically traditional treatment for heart disease is rapeseed honey in Poland. Dissolved in milk, it helps at the first sign of severe throat inflammation. The composition of rapeseed honey contains an increased (more than 51 percent) amount of glucose, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity. In addition, rapeseed honey is able to be quickly absorbed in the intestines, and due to the ability to remove heavy metals from the body, this beekeeping product is highly appreciated by many specialists.

The positive influence and miraculous properties of rapeseed honey for the liver and biliary tract are known when taking this natural medicine in a warm liquid form. And due to the high boron content in this variety of honey, with its regular use, bone tissues are better restored, and the activity of the thyroid gland in representatives of the weaker sex after menopause is stabilized.

rapeseed honey 309 kCal

Energy value of rapeseed honey (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 81.5g (~ 326kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 106%