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Gingerbread products are called flour confections, which are baked from a special gingerbread dough. Outwardly, it is most often a slightly convex plate in the middle, which is characterized by a rectangular, round or oval shape. A thin layer of sugar glaze is usually applied to the surface of gingerbread, and you can also find a simple drawing or inscription.

From time immemorial, carrots symbolized the holiday. This is not surprising, because in ancient times all the components that were part of this sweet treat were considered an expensive pleasure and cost a lot of money. Fortunately, today anyone can enjoy gingerbread, since the counters of modern stores are replete with a rich assortment of this confectionery.

Gingerbread types

According to the cooking method, three main types of gingerbread are distinguished: printed, cut-out and stucco. The first is the most common type of this flour product. Printed gingerbread cookies are made using a special gingerbread board, which is made of hardwood.

Gingerbread cutouts are so called - they are cut out of dough with a special metal shape. This method of preparation is considered the simplest and most effective.

Well, the latter, thanks to which stucco gingerbread appears, belongs to the oldest options for preparing this delicious treat. In ancient times, gingerbread by hand was accepted mainly in the North.

Gingerbread composition

The composition of gingerbread is actually uncomplicated: it is based on a mixture of rye flour and natural honey, milk, as well as egg yolks. As aromatic and flavoring additives, crushed spices are often used, which are rich in essential oils: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, badyan, nutmeg, allspice, anise, ginger, lemon zest and vanilla.

Black and white confectionery molasses or burnt sugar are considered desirable ingredients in the composition of gingerbread. In addition, marmalade, jam, candied fruit, raisins, nuts and other delicious additives are often used as a filling.

Gingerbread benefits

It is quite obvious that the human health benefits of gingerbread are directly determined by the composition of this product. Of course, today, if you wish, you can buy gingerbread prepared from completely natural products, but the best option is still to prepare this treat at home. The increased calorie content of gingerbread hardly makes this product dietary, because it is a little less than 336 kcal per hundred grams.

Again, speaking of the benefits of gingerbread, it should be noted that the increased nutritional value of this confectionery is relevant only if it is necessary to increase body weight, as well as with increased physical activity. Otherwise, eating gingerbread contributes to an increase in appetite by containing easily digestible carbohydrates in this product, which are quickly absorbed into the blood, deposited in the form of fat cells.

gingerbread 335.8 kCal

Energy value of gingerbread (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.8 g (~ 19 kCal)
Fats: 2.8 g (~ 25 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 77.7 g (~ 311 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 8% | 93%