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Interestingly, they call a kind of sweet treat traditional for us - jam. Initially, the word powidła has Polish roots, so this product is considered a dish of Polish cuisine. Calorie content directly depends on the type of raw materials used, that is, berries or fruits.

For cooking at home, it is customary to use not only fully ripe fruits - overripe, rumpled and even damaged berries and fruits are also used. They are thoroughly washed, cleaned from rot, if any, and passed through a meat grinder. By the way, a puree consistency can be achieved in another way - simply by boiling pieces of fruit or whole berries with a little water, and then wiping them through a sieve.

Traditional fruit and berry crops that are used to make povidl are apples, pears, apricots and peaches. In addition, of the berries, the most common are plums. It is customary to cook sweetness in a wide dish, which is associated with the need for intensive evaporation of liquid from the entire surface.

You can use it as an independent meal, or you can use it when preparing all kinds of sweet dishes. Most often, the hostesses add this delicacy to pies, pies, cakes, desserts, layer them with cakes or simply spread on a slice of fresh loaf and eat with tea.

Composition seen

By definition, it is clear that the composition of the povidl includes fruits and berries, which are boiled using sugar sand almost twice or three times. By the way, those culinary professionals who take care of their health prefer to cook this product with the addition of fructose instead of sugar, thereby significantly increasing the benefits of seeing the body.

Often, some spices with spices are also added - most often they are cinnamon and cloves, which give the finished dish a note of piquancy and a more subtle aroma, but vanilla and ginger also serve as an excellent additive.

The finished vision is a homogeneous mass without hard inclusions of light brown color with a tint that is characteristic of each particular type of raw material. This natural delicious treat has a sour-sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. By the way, if the puree has too low acidity, then citric or any other edible acid can often be added to the composition of the pureed.

The benefits have seen

Speaking about the benefits of seeing for human health, it is worth noting that after a long heat treatment, only a small proportion of vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts, beta-carotene and fiber remain in this product. In this regard, nutritionists unanimously argue that the only type of sweetness containing all the useful substances of fresh gifts of nature is grated berries or fruits with the addition of a minimum amount of sugar.

saw 250 kCal

Energy value has seen (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 65 g (~ 260 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 104%