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Cake eclair

Cake eclair...

The oblong shape of the custard pastry with the cream inside, and the top with the thick glaze in French is elegantly referred to as the ekler cakes. This air dessert seems to be deliberately created for temptation - in one form, appetite involuntarily appears. Making a pasty eclair at home is quite simple, the main thing is to know a few confectionery secrets.

By the way, in different countries this name is worn not only by custard dessert or snack cakes. In America, for example, oblong doughnuts or "long jones" are also called eclairs. In German, the names of the custard cake eclair are completely unusual and curious - "love bone, " "hare's paw, " "coffee bar. "

These small custard tubes or round cakes are used not only as an independent dessert dish, but also serves to serve cocktails and buffets - they are filled with pastry cream, and traditional salads or other salty or sweet fillings.

In order to cook delicious pastry eclairs at home, first you need to bake preparations based on custard dough. The taste of the finished confectionery will depend on their airiness and tenderness. Cooking custard dough doesn't require many components - it needs care and diligence.

The finished pastry is immediately removed from the hot sheet and remains to cool completely. Then, with a sharp knife, the semi-finished cake eclair is neatly cut along one side and started with the prepared cream. The filling for such cakes is protein, as well as from butter or custard. The surface of the eclairs is covered with chocolate glaze, sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with fruit, meringue or jelly.

The calorie content of a cake eclair weighing about 100 grams with a classic filling of butter-custard cream is about 439 kcal. The nutritional value of the same protein cream treat is slightly lower - approximately 330 kcal. For those people who are not used to counting calories, this dessert will undoubtedly satisfy the passion for sweet dishes from the very first bite.

However, be that as it may, in view of the high calorie content of the cake, the eclair, regardless of the filling, should not be abused - it is enough to eat 4-5 cakes a day and the daily diet is fully covered.

By the way, many confectioners even have a joke: if you managed to cook real air cakes the first time, we can assume that you have been awarded the first academic stage in culinary art.

pasty eclair 439 kCal

Energy value of cake eclair (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.2 g (~ 13 kCal)
Fats: 30.8 g (~ 277 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 36.2 g (~ 145 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 63% | 33%