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Brownie cake

Brownie cake...

In general, brownie is officially classified as a cake, but it is often called a cookie, since depending on the recipe, it may differ in different consistency. As a rule, this dessert is cut into flat rectangular pieces when ready. The calorie content of brownie cake averages 405 about kcal per hundred grams.

Brownie cake got its name due to its characteristic color (from English the word brown is translated as brown), which dough acquires at the expense of chocolate. True, there are also such options for this wonderful baking in which this component is completely absent or white is added instead of dark chocolate - such cakes are called blondie. Other ingredients can also vary: often the hostesses add dried fruits or dried berries, a variety of nuts, mint, chocolate chips or glaze to the brownie cake.

Interestingly, brownie cake and decency rules are hardly incompatible: this delicious dessert is supposed to be eaten with your hands. Often it is served with coffee or milk, but increasingly restaurants resort to a more sophisticated option, complementing the sweet dish with whipped cream or ice cream.

By the way, if approximately everything is known about the time this treat was born - the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, then everything is rather vague about the place. To be sure, the US is considered the birthplace of brownie cake, but few people can say anything more specifically. But there are many legends about the emergence of the first cake. For example, according to one of them, brownie is the result of a mistake by a cook who confused something and added chocolate to the biscuit dough. Another cake inventor just didn't have enough wheat flour. . .

But the most popular version is considered to be another confectionery misunderstanding: a slightly absent-minded housewife from America forgot to pour baking powder into the dough, so the biscuit did not rise. The unfortunate cook decided to cheat by simply cutting it into squares. Such a gastronomic mistake transformed into a category of culinary finds and presented the whole world with a new exquisite dessert.

Although the recipe for making brownie cake at first glance seems extremely simple, there are a lot of nuances that should be considered by each hostess so that the finished dish is impeccable. First of all, the quality of chocolate is important. The second significant point is baking time. In no case should you overexpose the cake in the oven - otherwise it will become dry and tasteless, and the wonderful chocolate aroma, which is the hallmark of brownie, will disappear.

You can serve brownie cake to the table warm - then its taste seems more tender, and in structure it looks more like a cupcake. At room temperature, the texture is significantly compacted and becomes less viscous. When cold, brownie cake resembles a chocolate candy or potato cake, all with a richer and more refined taste. But whatever serve option you choose, remember that the calorie content of brownie cake is quite high, which means you need to enjoy it within reasonable limits.

brownie cake 405 kCal

Energy value of brownie cake (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.57 g (~ 18 kCal)
Fats: 16.84 g (~ 152 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 64.95 g (~ 260 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 37% | 64%