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Pies puffs

Pies puffs...

Layers belong to the types of pies, which, in turn, are classified as homemade bakery products. The main feature of the layers can be considered the initial composition of the ingredients for making pies. Based on the name, only puff dough is used to bake the puffs. It is thanks to the puff dough that the finished bakery product acquires its distinctive appearance, as well as taste.

In accordance with the terminology adopted in confectionery and bakery, layers are any type of culinary products made of puff dough. Historians and researchers of the world culinary tradition argue that puff dough, and, therefore, products from it, including layer pies, began to be produced back in XVII. It is believed that the first puff dough was made by a French artist named Claude Lorrain.

Since then, puff dough, as well as bakery products from it, have enjoyed well-deserved popularity among the entire population of planet Earth. Over several centuries of the existence of the culinary product, a sufficient number of recipes have accumulated, as well as types of puffs, which are usually distinguished by filling, as well as dough, which is used to make baked goods. The following most popular types of layers are distinguished:

yeast dough pies;

pasties puff pastry;

pies of layer filled with chocolate, jam, jam, vegetables, fresh or canned fruits, eggs, etc. ;

pies ply with cottage cheese;

sweet or salty pies puff.

However, whatever kind of puff you choose, the main component of the culinary product will be dough, which must be prepared correctly in order to end up with delicious homemade pastries. As a rule, in addition to flour, various types of vegetable fats are used to make puff dough. Most often, butter or vegetable oil, as well as margarine, are used to make puff dough.

A distinctive technology for the production of puff dough consists in alternating layers of dough and fat, as a result, a kind of sandwich is obtained, which is repeatedly rolled out to obtain the desired consistency. Often, puff dough is replaced with another species called filo. However, filo dough requires much less fat and more flour to make than puff dough.

Currently, pies are made from ready-made and frozen puff dough, which can be easily found on the shelves of most domestic grocery stores. The calorie content of the ply depends primarily on the type and composition of the initial ingredients to be used in the manufacture of the bakery product.

The average calorie content of the layers is at a fairly high level and is 353 Kcal, which fall on 100 grams of bakery product. However, it should be noted that the calorie content of the layers can vary both in the direction of decrease and increase. it's no secret that almost all bakery products with filling are distinguished by a high calorie level, pies layer, unfortunately, did not become a pleasant exception to this rule.

pies ply 353.44 kCal

Energy value of layer pies (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 6.11 g (~ 24 kCal)
Fats: 16.26 (~ 146 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 48.89 g (~ 196 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 7% | 41% | 55%