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Cookie cracker

Cookie cracker...

For the first time, cracker cookies were made in the 18th century. Crackers are called a subspecies of galettes or loaves. Cracker cookies, as is the case with most successful recipes, appeared by accident. Or rather, as a result of an experiment by a baker who decided to change not only the recipe for galette dough, but also the method of baking.

The English baker Josiah Bent was inattentive and overexposed the galettes in the oven. Mr Beng heard the crack of the dough and realised he had ruined the biscuits. However, this accident became an unprecedented success and a gold mine for a baker. Because a new kind of crunchy and brackish cookie-like cracker, from the word crack or crack, will become popular all over the world.

Cracker composition

The ingredients included in the cracker allow you to achieve not only a distinctive taste of the product, but also important consumer qualities. For example, a cracker cookie is part of the "dry ration" of American servicemen and sailors. The cracker is stored for a long time and is not so susceptible to external factors. The cracker does not soak for a long time, does not deteriorate and retains its original qualities.

Types of cracker

The classic composition of the cracker includes the following ingredients: flour, it is advisable to use wheat, which will give the final product a tender taste, fat and yeast. Moreover, the type of cracker depends on whether yeast is used in cookie dough or not. For cookies, a cracker is made with yeast dough and no yeast dough.

From yeast dough, cream crackers are baked, which have a soft taste and a crisp, porous, layered consistency. In the creamy form of crackers, confectionery baking is not used. The type of cracker may depend on the taste preferences of the baker. For example, there are salty and sweet crackers.

Salt is added to the dough for the first type, and honey, sugar or syrup are used to make sweet crackers. You can find cracker cookies with a taste of bacon, onions, garlic. In cooking, different types of cracker cookies are used for snacks, desserts, and also replace bread with cookies and make canapés. The composition of the dough affects not only the taste of the product, but also the calorie content of crackers, which on average reaches 352 Kcal in 100 grams of cookies.

Crackers got such a high calorie content due to the high fat content in the product formulation. In order to prepare dough for crackers, you will need from 250 grams of margarine and 150 grams of fatty sour cream. In addition, carbohydrates prevail in the composition of crackers, which saturate the body with energy. For this reason, crackers are good for the military, who are exposed to heavy physical exertion on a daily basis.

But the average person who begins to absorb cracker cookies in unlimited quantities faces obesity. Add to the calorie content the technology of producing crackers (dry or multi-tier cookies). As a result, we get the last place in the rating of the usefulness of dough products, which is occupied by a cracker.

352 kCal cookie cracker

The energy value of cookie cracker (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 11.3 g (~ 45 kCal)
Fats: 13.4 (~ 121 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 67.1 g (~ 268 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 34% | 76%