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The story of muesli begins with a trip to the mountains of Swiss naturopath doctor Max Bircher-Benner to conduct a kind of scientific research. Once, in connection with a sincere interest in the life of the local population, he talked with a rather elderly shepherd who, for his age, seemed to be an overly energetic and active person. The shepherd treated the doctor to a dish that he regularly ate himself. It was a mixture of ground wheat, honey, milk, and blueberry and strawberry berries. As it turned out, all the ancestors of the shepherd in their diet had this dish, and each of them was a long-liver.

We can say that immediately after the doctor's meeting with the shepherd, the process of inventing all kinds of recipes and methods for making granola began. For these purposes, wheat, rice, barley, oats, millet and rye were used, the grains of which were carefully crushed or flattened.

It is customary to add milk, kefir, yogurt, natural juices or ordinary water to crushed grains. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then berries, finely chopped fruits or crushed nuts are added to them. You can experiment to your liking by finding more and more interesting and unusual ways to make granola. By the way, residents of the Alps prefer to cook this dish from pressed cereals with the addition of seeds, nuts and any fruits.

Muesli composition

The classic and most traditional granola composition is a mixture of a variety of cereals with pieces of dried fruit. Also, other food additives can be safely included in the main components of this dish: seeds, nuts, fresh berries and fruits.

This is a rather nutritious product - the calorie content of granola is high and equals 352 kcal per 100 grams, but this applies to a dish using dried fruits. If chocolate, sugar or honey is added to the granola composition, the calorie content of the product may become even greater.

The benefits of muesli

The benefits of granola are a high content of fiber, which contributes to the normalization of intestinal function and helps to remove harmful radionuclides, heavy metal salts and cholesterol from the body. Due to the large number of complex carbohydrates in the composition of granola, this product is considered a good preventive agent to prevent the formation of intestinal tumors.

Distinguished by a rich vitamin and mineral composition, this food favorably affects the general well-being of a person, increases life tone, improves mood, and also stabilizes the work of the nervous system. The benefits of granola when consumed regularly in limited quantities become apparent, if only because the appearance of a person's nails, hair and skin is markedly improved.

The harms of muesli

When choosing store granola, keep in mind that if the finished product includes coconut and vegetable oil, this can adversely affect those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they mention the dangers of granola for overweight people and children who should not abuse this tasty mixture if it contains large amounts of chocolate, honey, fat and salt.

granola 352 kCal

Energy value of muesli (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 11.3 g (~ 45 kCal)
Fats: 13.4 (~ 121 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 67.1 g (~ 268 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 34% | 76%