Ice cream

Ice cream isn't just a dessert of frozen sweet mass. This is still a favorite delicacy of all mankind. On the row with chocolate or candy, ice cream is among the most popular foods that have been created in the history of cooking. Anywhere on planet Earth, you can enjoy a variety of ice cream.
Ice cream composition
Usually ice cream includes the following ingredients: cream or cow's milk, sugar, as well as butter. In addition to these components, during the modern production process, the ice cream composition is replenished with various dyes and food additives. As a rule, the use of food additives is justified by the need to obtain a particular taste and aroma of ice cream, as well as to increase the shelf life of the product.
Ice cream has a long history that began more than 5, 000 years ago. Already, ancient civilizations knew about the way to make an excellent cooling dessert. The first ice cream was produced in China, and the dessert was based on ordinary snow or ice, to which fruits and berries were added. Sources have been preserved (the Shi-king cookbook), which describe the recipes of ancient Chinese ice cream, which the Emperor of the Middle Kingdom himself liked.
During the reign of King Solomon in Israel, frozen fruit juice was consumed during the hot harvest season. This tradition influenced the recipes of some types of ice cream. For example, sorbet ice cream is made from frozen fruit mass with sugar. In modern times, there are countless types of ice cream that can be listed indefinitely.
Types of ice cream
Among the most popular and in demand around the world, the following types of ice cream can be distinguished:
creamy, the product contains vegetable or animal fats;
fruit ice is solid ice cream on a stick, fruit juice product base;
melorin or vegetable fat-based ice cream;
sorbet, soft ice cream based on fruit juice;
creme brulee ice cream.
In addition to the main types of ice cream, there are thousands of regional brands and varieties. It is noteworthy that they learned about ice cream in Europe thanks to the traveler Mark Polo, who was the first to try and describe the eastern sorbet. Perhaps it's time to touch on the controversial topic of the benefits and harms of ice cream.
The benefits of ice cream
Supporters of the product say that the benefits of ice cream lie in the chemical composition of the product. Ice cream is produced from milk, which means that the final product will have vitamins A, B, P, E and D, as well as useful minerals iron, magnesium and potassium. Moreover, otolaryngologists advise eating ice cream as often as possible, since the product hardens the throat. It seems that the benefits of ice cream are obvious, but we are in a hurry to disappoint you.
Harm of ice cream
The composition of modern ice cream does not always contain even half of the nutrients or minerals. Rather, on the contrary, manufacturers seek to reduce costs in the production of products, so modern ice cream is not much like a healthy and natural product. The harm of ice cream lies in those dyes, preservatives and taste stabilizers that dairy manufacturers like to use, both domestic and foreign.
113.28 kCal ice cream
Energy value of ice cream (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 4.57 g (~ 18 kCal)
Fats: 8.06 (~ 73 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.6 g (~ 22 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 16% | 64% | 20%