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Truffle candy

Truffle candy...

Truffle sweets were not named for nothing after the elite and eponymous mushroom variety. The name truffle candy comes from the French word truffe. It was in France that they were the first to produce truffle chocolates, which reminded confectioners of an exclusive mushroom with their appearance. It is believed that real truffle sweets can only be made by hand. Truffle is called the king among chocolates. The distinctive taste of truffle sweets has long and successfully conquered all lovers of sweets on planet Earth.

Composition of truffle sweets

Over the long history of making chocolates, confectioners have invented not a single hundred recipes and varieties of truffles. By definition, which is used in the modern food industry, truffle sweets are a type of chocolate sweets, in the cream case of which, like a chocolate filling in a shell, is crazy. The truffle candy filling is covered with a layer of chocolate and sprinkling. The taste of the final confection depends on the type and composition of the truffle candy. The following most popular varieties of truffle candy can be distinguished:

soft truffle or chocolate candy, which requires the most time-consuming and time-consuming production process of all types of confectionery. During manufacture of soft truffle, filling is gradually poured into thin chocolate shell through thin hole.

a semi-soft truffle is usually released with a glaze shell.

solid truffle can be safely called the most common and well-known type of treat in our latitudes.

The classic composition of truffle sweets usually includes three main components - chocolate, fats and alcohol. In domestic confectionery production for making truffle sweets one uses cocoa bean butter or cocoa powder, as well as sugar, vanillin and cow's milk. In Europe, truffle candy is considered synonymous with good taste and exquisite manners. Truffle chocolates are produced in Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, France and Spain.

The calorie content of truffle sweets depends primarily on the type of confectionery and the amount of sugar that will contain the final product. The average calorie level of chocolate-filled truffle sweets is 580 Kcal per 100 grams of sweetness. This is a fairly large indicator even among chocolate confectionery products. Truffle sweets can be made not only with chocolate, but also with other filling.

Among the most common fillings are praline (chocolate mass to which milk is added, as well as vegetable fats), fruit or alcoholic fillings. Truffle candy sprinkles are represented by more than a dozen types. Perhaps most often, truffle sweets are sprinkled with chocolate, crushed nuts, waffle crumbs, granulated sugar powder, as well as coconut chips.

580 kCal truffle candy

Energy value of truffle sweets (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 6.53 g (~ 26 kCal)
Fats: 45.05 g. (~ 405 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 33.6 g (~ 134 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 70% | 23%